1. Beginning Or The end?

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Jimin's POV

The mystery boy...
He never talks, he doesn't show any expression, he just sits in the same desk at the back corner of the classroom alone. His name? Jeon Jungkook; the boy with beautiful brown hair, lifeless eyes, and plump lips.

Jungkook moved here about five months ago? Kooks just mysteriously showed up without notice. I can't help myself when I start to think about him, he's just so intriguing. The way he can deal with endless bullying and being alone often shocks me, as Namjoon says I am someone who needs attention 24/7. Anyways, I decided to get to know Jungkook personally. Although, it was awkward talking to Jungkook at times, I don't regret a single moment since our relationship has grown into something beautiful!

Believe it or not, I am one of Jungkook's only friends. Alongside, my other six friends, but I'm proud to say that I was the first to speak to Jungkook!

"Jimin! Are you ignoring me?" A stern, irritated voice brings me back from my endless daydream about my beloved Jungkook into reality. I glance to my left swiftly to the desk next to mine, now facing a frustrated Jin frowning at me.

"Maybe, maybe not." I say nonchalantly, shrugging my shoulders. Jin raises his hand to slap me across the back of my head mercilessly. After receiving my 'punishment' I caress my head repeatedly, trying to soothe the stinging pain.

"And Eomma Jin strikes once again! That's what you get for not respecting  your hyungs." Taehyung joins our conversation abruptly after settling into his own desk in front of mine, "Also, why were you mumbling? About Jungkook?" My jaw drops wide open when I am about to respond with a wide blush across my pale face only to be interrupted when Tae butted in. Yoongi, who was just woken up from his slumber, lifts up his head and rubs the sleep in his eyes.

I always mumble when I think! I can't be the only one who does that, right?

"Where is he? Jungkook is usually here by now." Hoseok asks, observing Jungkook who finally enters home room the slightest bit late.

All six of us stare in awe at the boy wearing his usual white shirt with jeans, paired with his worn out, red runners. The sunlight making his bronzed skin glow ever so slightly as Jungkook rest his head on his small hands after taking a seat at the desk on the other side of the classroom... again. Making him look like the true beauty he is.

"Someone has a thing for the outcast, hm? Am I right?" J-hope while wiggling his eyebrows suggestively from the desk behind me. Tae and I start to blush as if on cue and Taehyung punches J-hope's right shoulder with all of his strength, as Hoseok starts laughing uncontrollably while his well-known heart smile forms.

"Let's greet our precious deongsang politely without weirding him out, shall we?" Namjoon suggests sarcastically, he just enters the classroom casually. We all laugh at his joke, as we slowly made our way towards the unsuspecting, innocent Jungkookie.

This should be interesting...

Third Person's POV
If it wasn't obvious enough, the six boys had started to take an interest in Jungkook. No one had talked to him before the six of them had, except for the class president; Hana. Hana never liked Jungkook, apparently since the beginning. So she approached Jungkook to 'express' her negative feelings towards him physically one day. It went a little something on the line of this,

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