5. Runaway

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'Although, this battle can be easily won it goes without saying that not one person of the seven of you boys will escape without injuries. Remember, Jungkook, you have a short period of time to make a crucial decision that can affect your life. Taehyung's life or Jin's? Kind of like the snow ball effect... a snowball can roll into an avalanche. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED TWICE."

(8 of 15 pages of Jungkook's notebook)

They drove off onto Jungkook's old house. There was only one thing going through Jungkook's mind, he was worried for his dear mother.

Sure, at the time when the other six boys met Jungkook his mother was very protective of him. However, she was just preventing a serious accident from happening. Like if Jungkook was to die again, the whole world would slowly crumble apart.

They drove off onto Jungkook's old house. There was only one thing going through Jungkook's mind, he was worried for his hyungs. His mother was the same person who hated the other six boys because she was afraid of losing her son and the only chance Korea has to survive. At the time when the other six boys met Jungkook his mother was very protective of him. Very. However, she was just preventing a serious accident from happening. Like if Jungkook was to die again, the whole world would slowly crumble apart.

Jungkook really wanted to love his mother dearly just like any other child, it's just that at times the fact that she knew there would be a deadly zombie apocalypse would get to her head. And she would take out her anger and frustration physically and verbally on poor, helpless 10 year old Jungkook...

"Jungkook, is this the right place?" Namjoon asks, parking in the drive way of a modern mansion. Big rooms, well painted exteriors and plants neatly trimmed; in other words, you wouldn't be able to tell an abusive mother and her emotionally robotic son once lived there. Namjoon patiently waited for a response only to receive another minute of silence as a response. Namjoon glances to the side to a slightly more impatient Yoongi who is worriedly searching for any signs of zombies, who returns his curious and confused gaze.

"Hello~" Namjoon says again, parking in Jungkook's garage and turns his head towards the other 5 boys.

Only to see Jimin laying on Hoseok's shoulder, who is laying on the side of Jin's head, who has Tae curled up next to him with Jungkook laying down on all of the boys' laps.

"Come on, you lovey doveys! I ship you guys and all, but, I'm a little anxious to see Jungkook's mother." Yoongi says sarcastically, getting a little scared and nervous to meet the mother of his boyfriend who he had just started dating literally yesterday. This is so much pressured.

Yoongi continues to gently nudge each of them as they stir in their sleep. However, it takes especially longer to wake up a certain sleepy bunny boy. When I realise...

'Wait... is this the same mother who made sure Jungkook couldn't hang out with us?'

Once I had finished slowly waking up and rubbed all the sleep out of my eyes as I brush down my messy bed hair, I walk up to the window and thank god there isn't any sign of intrusion or physical harm. I sneakily open the window with the tiniest bit of effort and step inside the seemingly empty bedroom creating creepy creaking noises from the rusty wooden floors.

'I have a bad feeling about this... This was written in vision journal. Maybe if I just avoid my mother no one will be harmed whatsoever... just maybe...' I thought while peaking around the corner of the hallway, listening out for any footsteps while the other six boys followed my lead when...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2017 ⏰

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