2. Emotionless

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Unknown's POV?
Today's the day, no need to be nervous. You were created for situations like this!

I raise from my so called 'bed' in the basement of my house with chains tightly locked around my arms, legs, and neck. I'm used to this by now, my mother is very strict with me just because I'm her creation, no not the way a actual mother would say. I am embarrassed to admit that she is my mother; she's abusive, an alcoholic and literally a mad scientist. However, I easily will admit that she is not okay, she is very protective of me... very.

"Good morning. Today's the day, huh?" I simply nod as a reply, avoiding the gaze of my terrifying mother and the sight of her forced, creepy grin, "The rules still apply; no dating, no sex, no eating unhealthily and do not ever reconnect with people from your past. Lastly, everyone is your enemy, repeat immediately!"

"No dating, no sex, no eating unhealthily and I will not reconnect with people from my past..."


"Repeat completely!"

"Everyone is my enemy..."

"Good. I know you're very nervous. But, this is your fate, your destiny!" She says caressing my cheek, changing her attitude completely; from psychotic and abusive to caring and motherly.

I hate it. I hate the fact that she thinks it's okay to mess with her own child's mind. Always convincing me that I'm useless and a burden in her life, than telling me that I have to have confidence in order to save the world and make father proud.

Father's dead. She won't let go and I have for years of my life. However, this is the comfort I need right now even from a psychotic guardian, so I lean into her touch slightly scared of the thought of how she will react. Positively or negative? She may be insane but no one else cares about me... no one else even knows I exist. No one wants anything to do with mother after father died. Ever since I 'died'...

"I know you'll do well, Jungkook; my fallen angel and demon."

Taehyung's POV
I open my eyes to the bright light of the lamp on my bedside table. Ever since Kookie was... killed, I keep on seeing him walking around the house, talking to me. I try to convince myself that he's gone, but the uncontrollable pain needs to be soothed some how some day.

I know there's something wrong with my mind, Jungkook just can't be alive and it hurts me just seeing him even if it's just in my dreams. There was a time I started to throw all the glasses and plates at the walls because I saw Jungkook's rotting body sprinting towards me... My girlfriend broke up with me after hearing about what happened. However, I don't care because I can only love Jungkook and Momo didn't know that I was never straight...

'What is wrong with you?', you may be wondering...

Overall, Everything...

"Hi Taelien~! Could you sing to me again? Like the good old days." I hear an angelic, slightly high-pitched voice suggests from behind me and I turn around to find nothing but my blank wall. Expecting to see the familiar small, frail boy wearing his usual white shirt with ripped jeans paired with his messy shoes, smiling a smile I have been yearning to see just one more time after years... I respond to Jungkook's voice that's echoing throughout of my head.

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