Chapter three :Bad girl

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Now we were staying at a room which seemed to be a living room. We had seen most of the house or to be exact the first floor. It was all with old-fashioned furniture. Well it was an old house after all but really clean for an old house. I don't know but something wasn't right here. A random person says about a silly contest and an old house with good lighting and pretty clean. Maybe I'm just thinking too much. Just focus on your goal.
"Ugh this place stinks. " said Vanessa.
"Well it's worth smelling. It's 10 thousand dollars in game. " said Sam.
"So Coraline what do you think? " asked Jared.
"The same. It's just a stupid prank. "
"Whatever helps you. "
"Coraline can you help me with something?"
I didn't expect Ashley to ask me for help on something. She always stays alone.
"Errr.. well sure. "
"I want to get in contact with the spirits haunting this house. But I need blood for it. I'd use mine if I didn't have anemia. "
"Ohh.. I'm sorry Ashley. "
"It's okay I have a cat blood with me. I think it will do the trick. "
That was new. I knew Ashley was weird but I didn't know she was doing witchcraft. I started to imagine her in the Middle Ages time. Well lucky for her she didn't live then. We all just ignored this last sentence except Vanessa of course.
"Ashley have you lost your mind? Stop with this madness already. I think people should burn witches like in the old times. "
Ashley kept the calm but she didn't ignore what Vanessa said.
"Well I think people should burn sluts like you instead."
"What did you say????"
"What you heard."
"I'm gonna take off all your stupid purple hair. "
Vanessa had anger written all over her face. She tried to run into Ashley but Jared stopped her.
"It's enough girls!"
"Let me go Jared. I'm gonna kick that bitch's ass. Let me go. "
"Let her go Jared and see what she is capable of. "said Ashley while taking off her big glasses so everyone could see her rage growing in her eyes.
"Ash what are you saying? She can kill you just with one stare now."said Sam.
In that moment Vanessa stared at Sam and he screamed and hide behind the sofa.
Seriously this was stupid and childish. We are in the middle of nowhere and those girls fought with each other like 2 years old. After some minutes Vanessa calmed down and Jared let her go.
"Are you okay now girls?" said Jared.
"I have been okay all the time. Seriously talking to the spirits is much easier than with real people. They truly understand me. "
"That's nice. And you Vanessa? "
"I'm fine. But I can't stay in the same room with that weirdo. So I'm going upstairs alone. Maybe there's a nice bedroom there. "
"I don't think that's a good idea. "
"Shut up Sam. Not everyone is afraid of their shadow. "
Sam became so angry that his face became red as a chili pepper. I grabbed his arm.
"Sam let it go. She's not worth it. " I told him with a low voice. He nodded me and smiled.
"So I'm going up losers. Probably won't see your faces tomorrow because I'll be the winner. Have fun with the "spirits ".' She said watching at Ashley who put another needle to the Vanessa voodoo doll.

"Well this isn't like I expected to be. " said Jared.
"Why? What were you expecting? "I asked.
"I was expecting something scarier Coraline. How can someone win here. It's so boring that Sam hasn't peed himself yet. "
"Hey. It happened only once. "
We all just stared at him and started to laugh.
"I was only 9 then. How would you feel if you see that stupid clown under a manhole?"
We kept laughing anyway. After some time the clock said it was 10 o'clock of night. We had made some jokes and laughed and experiences from childhood Halloween days. Vanessa still was upstairs. It was her loss not coming to us. Sam and Jared were watching some paintings on the wall while I was sitting with Ashley in the sofa.
"Coraline you really are a great girl."
"Thanks Ash. You're fun too. "
"Well you would be the first to say that. I don't have many friends and the ones I have are all dead. It's nice talking to a living human. "
"Oh emm thanks I guess. "
"You're welcome. People call me crazy and weird all the time but I take those as a compliment. It's good being weird cause normal is boring."
"Yeah I wish people saw the real you Ashley. "
"They never try Coraline but it's fine for me. I enjoy my own little world."
"Girls sorry for interrupting you but don't you think we should tell Vanessa to come with us. " said Sam worried.
"Are you being serious Sam?"
"Well yes Coraline. I know she is mean but I don't think she should stay alone in a abandoned house. "
"You've got a point. What do you say Ash?"
"Do whatever you want. I still need to talk to the spirits. And in case you're wondering the cat isn't dead. I'd never harm an animal. "
"Okay let's go upstairs Sam. In this way we can also explore the second floor. "
So we all went upstairs. We climbed the stairs slowly because they were pretty old.
There was a dark hallway with 6 doors so 6 rooms.

It was Gothic style with black and red well not my style

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It was Gothic style with black and red well not my style.
"So where do you think is Vanessa?"asked Sam
"Let's spilt and enter in different rooms. " I proposed.
And so we did. Where I entered was a master bedroom with the same Gothic style. Who likes this kind? To me it's pretty creepy. When I was about to go out of the room I heard Jared screaming.
What the hell was happening? I immediately ran into the room where Jared was and what I saw was something I'd never forget my entire life.

Blood,blood everywhere. In the floor was laying dead Vanessa. It was terrible. She was stabbed all over her body,she had bruises on her face,her hair was really messy and she had mascara dripping all her face. I was shocked that I couldn't move. I wanted to stop watching this ,to close my eyes, but I just couldn't do anything in the moment, I was frozen. It was a horrible nightmare, it had to be. I couldn't hear anything and the only thing I was seeing was Vanessa's lifeless body.
Then I felt Ashley's arm and her saying "Holy fucking spirit!" and then I saw Sam with tears all over his face and hear his loud scream.
Jared was standing there shocked and shaking like a leaf. We didn't know what to do and actually it seemed like an illusion nothing was real. But it was real. Who could have done this? The only people in here are only us.,no,NO!!
Then Ashley took courage and went to Vanessa. I don't know where she takes all this courage. She adjusted her glasses on her nose and examined Vanessa's dead body.
"She's still warm. The murder has been committed some minutes ago. She is stabbed in her stomach about 7 times and she also has many bruises in her face. Her killer must have punched her. Whoever did this is still around here guys."
"What the fuck? Are you saying there's a fucking psychopath around?" yelled Sam.
"Guys please let's get out of here. "I said crying.
"Wait. Vanessa has something in her hand. It's an envelope. " said Ashley.
"What's it? " said Jared.
"Inside there a letter written with newspaper letters. It says : "You have been a really bad girl Vanessa and now you have to pay. " What the hell? There are also some photos."
Ashley came to us and showed the photos. There was Vanessa bullying some other students. The last photo was her dead.
"The killer used instant photos. The last one is still warm."
I couldn't believe what I was watching. The killer had stalked her and took pictures.
"Guys we're dealing with a professional killer. We're in big danger. "
They just watched me and said nothing. What were we going to do? There was a killer among us and a dead girl. I couldn't imagine what would happen next. We had to get out of here fast. Very fast.

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