Chapter six:Out of the shadows

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Song of this chapter Sam Tinnesz Play with fire

I was sad,desperate,out of my mind,confused,nervous,worried, scared,shocked,stressed out. How the hell was I handling all of these? I wanted to be like Ashley. She seemed so calm. Maybe I should have been like her. Being weird and all of that. Having ghosts friends. She was so strong and I so weak.
I still couldn't accept Jared's suicide. I just couldn't imagine that behind that door was his dead body laying on the dirty floor. I was just walking around the room,biting my nails. I have never bitten my nails before. Ashley was standing sitted on the couch staring at the floor. It was only us now. Would we make it alive out of here? I came near her and sitted next to her.
"Yeah Coraline? "
"What are we going to do? Everyone else is dead."
"I wish I knew Coraline. I wish I knew."
"Ashley whatever happens we'll stay together okay? "
"Okay. I promise. I won't go anywhere. I'll stay with you."

"Awwww such sweet words."
As soon as I heard that voice I immediately stood up to face the person who talked. I was searching with my eyes but couldn't see anyone.
"Where did that voice come from?" said Ashley.
But then I saw a shadow at the beginning of the hallway. It was him. It was the killer. Ashley was looking the shadow terrified.
"Come here you!" I ordered. What the hell was I saying. I just told the killer to come to us.
"It's my pleasure honey."
Then he stepped. I saw his leg then his body, then his....face. It couldn't be. No. It was him all the time.
"YOU!!!" I yelled.
"Yes Coraline, me."

Halloween party of last year
It was noise and lights everywhere. People dancing,drinking and some making out (yuck). I was enjoying myself so much. I was dancing with Sally-Jo moving our bodies as the rhythm.
"This party rocks. " said Sally.
"I know. Best party I have ever been."
"Omg Coraline look."
I turned my head where Sally was pointing and I saw Miss Spink going out of the bathroom with pink hair.
"God Jared never grows up."
"Stop being a mom Coraline. It's fun. Laugh a little. "
"I'll laugh when there actually something funny. "
"You're so boring. I'm going to get a drink. Wanna one?"
"No thanks. "
I kept dancing but then I felt someone grabbing my hand. It was a guy wearing a stupid mask like that on Scream movies.
"Jared if you are trying to be scary don't put a mask. Your face is enough.
"Ouch that hurt."said Jared taking off the mask.
"I don't care."
"Always a feisty one. You know I like it. "
"Jared please I'm trying to enjoy the party and not listening to your horrible flirts."
"Oh come on. I am only asking you just one date. "
"Keep dreaming."
"You don't know what you are missing girl. "
"Don't worry. I know."
"What if...
"Leave her alone dude."
A boy with blond hair and light skin came to us. He was taller than me but not as Jared. I actually hadn't seen him before but well our school has a lot of students.
"What do you want kid? Can't you see I'm busy?" said Jared.
"Well you are bothering her. " he said.
"It's okay. I can handle him. " I told the mysterious guy to calm the situation.
"Well if he bothers you again I'll make him pay." he said. What the hell? He didn't even know me. Why was acting like he was my brother.
"Ohh I'm so scared." said Jared ironically. "Go find a candy kid." Jared said as he left.
The guy who came out of nowhere looked so angry.
"Hey you..
"Ryan. "
"Ok. Ryan. That wasn't necessary. It's not like it's the first time that Jared pisses me off. It has became like a routine to me.
"I understand but I scared him anyway. "
"Okay..." That's all I could say. He didn't do anything. Jared left because he wanted to.
"If he bothers you again tell me Coraline. "
"Listen I...wait. How do you know my name? "
"Ermm I heard him calling like that. "
"Nice lie." I thought.
"Anyway I gotta go to my friend before she gets drunk."
"Wait. We didn't talk. I'm Ryan Williams. I'm senior here. We don't have classes together actually. "
"I'm Coraline Hills and I am in a hurry."
"Wait I have to tell you something important. "
What could a stranger tell me that important.
"What is it? "
"Listen. Since the first moment I saw you I understood that you were right one for me,the one who would make me happy. So I'm taking the courage and asking you to date me. "
Is this freak serious? Now I really hoped it was one of Jared's jokes.
"Ok if this a joke it's not funny at all."
"No,I'm being serious. "
"You don't even know me."
"But we can know each other with time." He said.
"Ryan stop with this madness. I'm going to my friend. Please leave me alone. " I said as I left quickly. Seriously this guy was giving me the creeps. I left without turning my head back. Then I saw Sally-Jo with Jared.
"Who was that idiot?" asked me Jared.
"A weird stalker. I'll explain it later. Let's have fun."

Back to the present
"You broke my heart that day Coraline. "
"What the hell you are talking about? We didn't even talk to each other until that day."
"Wait you know him Coraline? "Ashley asked.
"Of course she knows me little Ashley. She broke my heart but I am a man who forgives."said Ryan calmly.
"You are a fucking murder. " yelled Ashley to him.
"What can I do? They deserved it. I don't like bad girls, I don't like copying idiots and I don't like people who put their noses into people's love life. Seriously I never liked them so I killed them so the world can be a better place to live."
"You made Jared commit suicide!!" I screamed.
"Well actually I wanted to kill him myself but it wasn't meant to be. Anyway he's gone and we can be happy together Coraline. "
"You are crazy!!!"
"Yes I'm crazy about you. "
"Stop it. I would never be with a killer."
"Oh Coraline. Think again. " he said as he pulled a gun out of his pocket and grabbed Ashley and pointed the gun on her head.
"What are you doing? "
"It's simple. If you don't accept to be with me then I will blow the purple girl head off. Got it?"he said with a psychotic look on his face.
I didn't have any choice. I couldn't let Ashley die. That would be selfish.
"Fine you win. Let her go. "
"Good choice."he said and throw Ashley to me. She started crying and I  hugged her tightly.
"Well now that everything got fixed you'll marry me and purple hair will be our maid. "He said pointing the gun at me. I just nodded my head. I had to think about a plan fast. If I wanted to save myself and Ashley there was only a way. I had to convince this psychopath to go out of the house. But how? Wait. Did he say marriage? I found a way to convince him even though I didn't like it. What choice did I have anyway.
"Married?" I said surprised but happy surprised.
"Yes do you want to be my wife Coraline? "
"Of course I want. "I couldn't believe what the hell I was saying but I needed to act like I liked Ryan. Ashley looked at me with a what the fuck look but I managed to say quietly " I know what I'm doing. "
"I thought you considered me a psychopath. "
"Well I was wrong Ryan. I'm also glad you killed them." I didn't want to say that and it was like somebody was stabbing me while I said those words.
"I'm so happy. OK next week...
"No. Why wait? Let's get married tonight. "
"But we need preparations."
"Who needs preparations when we" I barely said that last word. "Ashley will help me won't you Ash?"
"Ermm...Yeah of course. "She said nervous.
"But I'm doing the wedding with one condition. "
"Whatever you want love. "Ryan said and grabbed my hands. I felt so disguised when he did that. I could see the blood on his hands no matter how much he cleaned them. The blood of his victims was still there and now he was making my hands bloody by touching them.
"I want the wedding to be outside of the house. " He just stared me with his creepy eyes and thinking. For a moment I thought he would say no but when he said yes I started breathing normally.
"Ok girls you go upstairs first room on your left. There's a dress and get prepared. I'm going outside to clean a bit. "
I nodded my head and went upstairs with Ashley. Upstairs where was Vanessa's body. I could still hear Jared's scream. Don't worry Jared, Sam,Vanessa. I will take revenge for you. We went to where that freak told us. In the bed was a short white dress.
"Coraline are you insane? "
"I've got a plan Ash."
"Getting "married" with a psychopath doesn't sound a good plan. "
"Ash we are escaping tonight. I know what I'm doing. Please trust me."
"I trust you but I'm scared."
"I know you are. I'm scared too but I won't let that bastard win. "
"Okay. Let's get dress you up and go outside. "
"Yes. " I said then I saw from a small window that was there. Outside there was that sick fuck with a...shovel. I couldn't believe what I was seeing.
"Holy Spirit. " Ashley yelled.
Outside there was Ryan with the bodies of Vanessa,Sam and Jared. He was burying them. I saw Jared. His veins were cut and his hands and clothes were all bloody.
"Oh my God. Poor Jared. " I said. I couldn't stop my tears. Seeing his lifeless body was such a pain. I felt bad that I never gave him a chance. I wish I did.
"Coraline please don't look. Just focus on the plan. Jared wouldn't want you dead. "
"Yes I know. It just hurts so much. "
"Coraline we will make it. Don't worry. That demon will pay for all of this. I wish I could put a curse on him."
"We will be his curse Ashley. He'll regret what he did."

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