MVSA - Chapter 3 Part 1 - One Thing

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Hey so here's part 1 of chapter 3! It's not too long but longer thenthe usual ones! =) There's no cover yet but once I find the time to do it I'll just put a photo of Harry while I'm waiting for the actualy cover to be made!

MVSA - Chapter 3 Part 1

One Thing


Dear Diary,

Why can't I just die already?! Eleanor was on the set today and was all lovey dovey with Lou. God it was gross! They started making out right in front of me! I'll just recap and tell you what happened ok?



I was the only one in our dressing room so I went and sat on the couch trying to plan today's attempt when Louis walked in."Haz can I talk to you for a minute?" He asked softly sitting next to me." I nodded not wanting to speak. I waited but he didn't say anything. I looked up to see him biting his lip. He looked like he wanted to say something but was too scared. I placed my hand on his thigh and squeezed it urging him to go on."Well... I was thinking... thinking about the past 2 days and I was wondering why you'd done those things... You know... try to drown yourself and run towards the fire..." he said still biting his lip. He looked down at his lap and fiddled with his friendship bracelet."And I was wondering if... maybe... I made you do those things? I mean it feels like we've started to grow distant ever since we did the music video for What Makes You Beautiful.... and well... you're not telling me things anymore. You're keeping things from me and we said we'd never do that. So am I the reason you did those things Haz?" He gulped now looking into my eyes. He looked scared and I knew I couldn't tell him. I sighed. "Lou it's not because of you... please don't ask why because I can't tell you, not this time. I know what I'm doing is foolish but there's always a reason for things and I've got one. Maybe my reason isn't the best reason ever but it's still a reason. I'm sorry I can't tell you but if things work out the way I plan them to... well you'll find out soon enough. So please don't blame yourself Lou because it's not. I will tell you that-" I was interrupted when Eleanor walked in and sat on Louis's lap.

"Hey Harry!" She glanced at me quickly then looked back to Louis. "And hello hottie" she said smiling and kissed Louis. Louis pulled back but she deepened the kiss so they were now having a full blown make-out session. I got up and headed towards the door. I looked back once more and my heart started breaking. A single tear made it's way down my face and I couldn't be bothered to wipe it off so I left it. Not being able to stand there and watch them any longer I opened the door and stepped out.

I looked around to make sure no one was looking and made a break for the bridge. I got to the ledge and started to climb up. I sat on the edge and looked down at the water below. I knew it would be freezing cold but I didn't care. I started counting down from 10.

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