MVSA - Chapter 3 Part 3 - One Thing

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HEY GUYS! I think there's still a couple more parts to this chapter before we move on! This chapter is sad too and it made me cry! It's pretty long... well longer then any others! So I hope you like it and please vote and comment!

MVSA - Chapter 3 Part 3

One Thing Part 3


"HARRY!!!" Louis and I shouted together. I ran towards the ledge and didn't hesitate. I jumped off hoping the water wouldn't be too cold. I hit the water and let me tell you, this is not the ideal place for a swim. I swam back towards the surface and god it was hard! Taking a deep breath before going back down I looked around to see if I could find Harry. I was spinning around until I saw something move. I swam towards it and saw Harry. He was just floating there. There was a cut on his forehead and I presumed that he had hit his head on the rock next to him... or cut himself on purpose. I was running out of air so I quickly grabbed him and pulled him towards the surface. I started swimming towards the sand that was near the steps to the bridge. I lay him down and panicked not knowing what to do. I scanned my brain and remembered what they did in the movies. I put my hands on his chest and started pressing down on it. I kept doing it hoping something would happen. Nothing happened so I pressed my fingers to his wrist hoping I'd find a pulse. I felt so relieved when I felt a faint pulse. I thought of something. I was hesitant but I knew it might help so I opened his mouth and quickly put my mouth on top and breathed some air into his mouth. I put my hands together again and started pressing down on his chest again. Then did mouth to mouth. I did that a couple times before he coughed and water started spilling out of his mouth. "Zayn?" He croaked out. "I'm here Haz. I'm here." I said smiling. I was so relieved. "I'm gonna pick you up now ok?" I said standing up. I scooped him up and carried him bridal style and ran up the stairs. I looked around and saw Louis just sitting there with tears streaming down his face. Eleanor was there trying to comfort him. "Eleanor I'm sorry but please leave." I said to her. She looked shocked and didn't move. "NOW!" I barked. She jumped back before quickly grabbing her stuff and running away. "Louis call the ambulance for god sake!" I said before running towards the dressing room. I put him down onto the couch. I went to the closet and found some blankets and a pillow. I put the pillow under his head. The blankets were really big so I folded each of them twice before putting them over Harry. I was glad to see that they covered his body. I kneeled down beside him and put my hand on his forehead. I gasped. He was freezing cold! I don't get why he was so cold and I wasn't though. I tried to think of what to do when I thought of it. I took off my shirt and his. I sat down on the couch and straddled him pulling him towards me and wrapping the blankets around us too. I rubbed his back trying to make him warmer. I remembered something and whipped his phone out and dialed 999.


Lady: Hello what's your emergency?

Zayn: My friend jumped into a freezing lake and I jumped in after him. He's unconscious and freezing cold. We're on the couch and I've got mine and his shirt off with a blanket on top of us... I'm pretty warm so Im trying to get him warmer too.

Lady: Ok good. Stay like that until the ambulance gets there. Wait where are you?

Zayn: Uh... I think. Millennium bridge... We're inside a trailer.

Lady: Ok the ambulance will be right there! Sit tight. Goodbye.

[End Of Call]

I put my phone away and held Harry tightly still rubbing his back. "You'll be ok. You have to be. You can't leave me Haz. Ok? If you can hear me please just stay in there and fight Haz. I need you to pull through! I love you to death and I don't know what I'd do without you!" I whispered in his ear trying to convince myself that Harry would be fine.

Tears rolling down. I held him close and sobbed for what seemed like forever when I heard a faint noise. I stopped and heard the sound again. I looked down at Harry and saw his eyelids partly open. "Why are you crying?" he asked raising his hand up shakily and rested it on my cheek. I put my hand on his and closed my eyes wanting to remember this moment forever.


What's up with Zayn? He's not talking anymore. He looks... peaceful and happy. I'm glad that I can help by doing that to him. I don't want to tell him but... I heard everything... from him yelling at Eleanor to telling me he loved me. I heard EVERYTHING. It's still so hard to believe that he's gay... I never thought of him like that but no one would probably have guessed I was gay. To tell you the truth I've had a mini crush on Zayn for a while now... his looks and kind personality had started getting to me about a month ago.

"Zayn?" I croaked out snapping him out of his thoughts. I coughed my throat hurting from talking. "I feel weak... and what's that light?" I ask squinting at the bright light in front of me. I reached out for it. It was getting closer an starting to shine brightly. I started walking towards it...

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