Chapter 14: One Night Only

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I know folks are gone be mad at me for this but I'm on my way to pick up Tymesha from the hospital. I may not love her but I still care about her.

(Picks up Tymesha from hospital)

"You okay Mesha?" I asked concerned about her

"Yea I juss had to get a few stitches and take some pills"

"Oh Ight"

"Ty can I stay at yo house tonight I lost my keys when yo girl was beating me"

"Sure you can stay for tonight but don't think this mean nun"


(Pulls up in driveway then goes in house)

I laid down on the bed thinking about the only person on my mind Bree when Tymesha came in my room and sat on the bed.

"What you want now girl" I said with attitude cause I wanted her to get tf out

"I don't want anything but you" she said licking her lips

"Bitch go to sleep I ain't got time for you right now"

"Man Ty why you acting like that"

"I aint acting im fr I got a lot on my mind right now"

"Ty I can help clear yo mind if you let me" she said touching me

"You sound like a really thirsty hoe right now"

"So can I get sum or not"

"Can you get out my face"

"That aint answering my question"

"You aint gettin nothin from me cause I love Bree and I don't need to feel guilty about anything else"

"Ugh whateva" Tymesha said walkin out my room.

Excuse My Mistakes


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