Chapter 28: Karma

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Today is Jeanette's funeral I don't really want to go but I have to since she's my cousin.

"We are gathered in this church today for Jeanette Smith. Gone but never forgotten."The pastor announced.

Tymesha POV

I decided to go to Jeanette funeral but I aint going for her I'm going to get Kim. Kim finna have her funeral I got my plan and my knife. I was gone be 30 minutes late but I didn't matter.

My phone rang as I leaned over to get my purse.I heard a truck horn and tires.Coming straight towards me was a 18-wheeler.


Breezy POV

I went to the bathroom to finish my make up when I got a text from a unknown number saying Tymesha juss got hit by a truck. I laughed and thought about how they say Karma's a bitch.


The funeral was straight I guess. I didn't cry even tho we related. Tymesha got killed on the way to the funeral. That's two hoes I dont gotta see or deal with anymore.Nunu talkin bout coming back, Bree and Ty happy, Me and Jarell still in love and can't nobody change that.

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