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Dear Yoongi,
Ok I'm done texting u, back to the notes.

Dear random boi,
Why exactly do u want to talk to me?
- yep ok

Dear fanboi,
Um well because I have no life
- yeet ur boi Minsoo

Dear my boi Minsoo,
So ur my boi? Alrightyyyyy. Btw, I have a question if ur lazy ass doesn't mind answering my poor soul.
- uhuh.

Dear not my boi,
Ughhhh whatever. What is ur question that my lazy ass must answer? U were right about that btw hah
- mmmmmmmhhhmmmm

Dear girl,
Are we frens?
- lolololol min suga

Dear boy,
Idk. U tell me. We hate each other, don't we?
- idek anymore bro

Dear female,
Eh idk. Let's just fight, shall we?
- same tho

Dear male,
- what is life and it's me Minsoo, the girl u r messaging.

Dear girl I am messaging,
K bitch.
- yoongeeeehhh

Dear yoongeeeehhh,
K asshole.
- minsoooooo

Dear minsoooooo,
K hoe.
- yoongeeeehhh

Dear yoongeeeehhh,
K dick.
- minsoooooo

Dear minsoooooo,
- yoongeeeehhh

Dear yoongeeeehhh,
- minsoooooo

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