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Members of each cast from different Marvel movies spread out around the room. Laughter spilling and drinks being poured—all to celebrate yet another successful premiere.

"I can't wait for our movie to come out. It's going to be fucking sick!" Tom grins as he knocks back the remnants of whatever was left in his glass.

Naomi too, finishes her second margarita of the night as she nods with Tom. "Even though we've been filming for months. I don't think it'll truly hit me until we're standing on the red carpet of our own premiere."

Never in a million years did she ever think she'd be starring in a Marvel movie.

Jacob let out of heavy breath. "It's going to be insane."

"Until then, I'll be spending tonight taking advantage of the lovely free bar over there." Tom smiles drunkenly. "More drinks, anyone?"

"Absolutely." Naomi nods. "But first I have to find the restroom."

Naomi moves through the room, careful not to bump into anyone. The bathroom is near empty when she enters. In and out with the brief check of her make-up.

Once she was done, Naomi didn't think twice before pushing the door open—only for it to hit something on the other side. Eyes widening, she stood frozen in the bathroom for a few long seconds, hoping she didn't accidentally hit someone with the bathroom door.

Unfortunately, her hope went nowhere since there was a man hunched over with a face twinged with pain.

"Shit!" Naomi cursed and immediately rushed over to him. "I am so sorry."

"You're good. I'm good." The man stiffly speaks and grabs his shoulder. "It's nothing. I'll be fine," he says but she isn't quite convinced.

"Wait—let me get you some ice or maybe I should get someone to check your shoulder out, just wait right-" Naomi starts, ready to find someone that could help but the stranger's hand pulls her back before she could even take another step.

It was only then with his hand holding her that she recognized exactly who was standing in front of her.

She just hit Sebastian Stan with a door.

"I'm okay, really, I swear. Don't worry about it." Sebastian assured her with a friendly smile.

Naomi could only nod. "Okay. If you're sure."

"Sorry, do I know you?" Sebastian asks. "You just look extremely familiar but I can't put my finger on where I might know you from."

"Oh...uh I act a little. If that helps."

"Yeah, maybe, I might have seen you in something."

Naomi softly smiles. "Maybe."

BEST MISTAKE, stanحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن