Not a Replacement

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A few days had past since Merlin had been poisoned, he was slowly getting his strength back. He had been able to walk around Gaius's chambers but he was still too weak to do much. Merlin hated it. He hated feeling useless, he wasn't able to help Arthur during the day, his replacement George, he hated. He was perfect, to what Arthur said and Merlin couldn't help but feel jealous. It was his job to serve Arthur, not George.

He was at Gaius's alone. Gaius he gone to see Morgana who was having nightmares again, Gwen was with him and Arthur was practicing with the fellow knights. So he had nothing to do. Currently he was using his magic to straighten up the place. But soon even his magic had tired him. He slowly stood up shakily as he grabbed the bed for support he wanted to get out. He didn't care what Gaius had said. He waved his hand and a walking stick he gripped it tightly as he ever so slowly walked to the door. Opening the door he walked out, swaying lightly he cursed to himself.

He wondered how it was possible he didn't get noticed as he walked all the way up to Arthur's chambers but by the time he got there he was exhausted. He leaned against the wall taking a few heavy breaths, as he looked around, he noticed how clean the room was. Jealously boiled under his skin once again as he remembered George. He walked over to Arthur's bed and he sat down. He was going to wait for him.

Arthur had walked into his room about an hour later sweating and panting lightly. The knights were tough, they never relented, and Arthur suspected it was his fathers form of punishment from escaping the dungeons and healing Merlin. Speaking of his warlock Arthur froze seeing Merlin asleep on his bed. He looked pale, though he was always pale, but paler. Arthur quickly walked over to him and looked at him. He was sleeping, peacefully it seemed. They were keeping their relationship a secret, the only ones who knew where of course Gwen and Gaius, not that Arthur cared, He would've told the whole kingdom, but he knew he couldn't Arthur smiled softly as he brushed his fingers against Merlin's cheek, grinning when Merlin leaned into his touch his eyes fluttering open.

"This is a nice surprise." Arthur teased him as he sat down next to him. Merlin smiled and blushed as he went to sit up but winced lightly. "I wanted to see you, I missed you. I guess I fell asleep." He said. Arthur smiled. "I missed you too. But how did you get all the way up here?" He asked concerned. Merlin looked at him, and sighed softly. "I erm... I walked." He answered.

Of course, no wonder why he was tired, Arthur said. "Merlin, your still too weak. Does Gaius know where you are?" He asked. Merlin looked down shaking his head, ashamed. "I couldn't stay in that room anymore." He admitted. Arthur sighed as he looked at him. "Merlin, I know, but next time wait for someone to help you okay." He said. He couldn't bare himself to think what would happen if Merlin had gotten dizzy or had fallen. Merlin nodded but still didn't look at him. Arthur gently tilted his face up and he leaned in kissing him softly, smiling when Merlin kissed him back.

"I missed you too." Arthur said causing Merlin to smile. "How was training?" Merlin asked. Arthur stood up and pulled off his armor and kicked off his boots and climbed in bed pulling Merlin close cause god, Merlin was freezing. Merlin curled up in Arthur's warm arms and laid his head on his shoulder watching him. "Boring, George is a terrible target." Arthur sighed wrapping the blanket around them. Merlin chuckled. "I thought you said he was a good servant." He said hints of jealousy in his voice. Arthur shook his head. "No, he'd horrible. He's not as good as you." Arthur smiled. Merlin grinned as he leaned up and kissed him. He was relieved, he wasn't getting replaced.

Arthur smiled kissing him back holding him close as he did so. He pulled away when they had to breath. They spent the next hour or so talking before they both fell asleep, and that's how Gwen found them later, asleep in each other's arms.

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