The Gates of Avalon

550 19 11

Months has passed since Merlin has been poisoned

Arthur drifts under water wearing his armor, while a woman stands over him and watches. Morgana wakes with a gasp. "Arthur! Arthur!" She gasps worriedly.

Arthur slinks through the woods with a crossbow, obviously hunting. As he's about to shoot, Merlin bursts out of the trees and bumps into him.

"What is it?" Merlin asks, carrying two rabbits and an assortment of weapons.

Arthur gives him an angry glare. "You really are a total buffoon, aren't you, Merlin?"

"I was just asking." Merlin replied

" Who? Me or the deer?" Arthur yelled quiet angry at his lover, who had messed up his shot 

"We're supposed to be hunting. It requires speed, stealth and an agile mind." Arthur smacks Merlin in the forehead.

"So you're able to get by on two out of three, then?" Merlin retorts rubbing his forehead with a sigh.

The sound of a woman screaming catches both of their attention.

"What was that?" Merlin asks.

"Please! Don't!"

"Quiet." Arthur hisses.


Arthur grabs his sword from Merlin, and they take off running.

When they read the source of the noises, Aulfric lays on the ground as a bandit draws his sword to kill him. Sophia struggles with three other purse snatchers.

"No, no, I beg you! Mercy!" Aulfric begs, cowering on the ground.

"Give us some money!" the bandit threatens.

"Help me! Help me!" Sophia shrieks.

Arthur shoots one of the robbers with the crossbow; the others attack Arthur. Aulfric gets up and holds Sophia while Arthur fights off the bandits. Merlin runs up behind to see one of them get up behind Arthur.

"Forbærnen firgenholt." He chants under his breath..

A large tree branch cracks and falls on top of the bandit trying to attack Arthur from behind. Arthur kills the one in front of him and the final bandit runs off. Arthur looks up at the tree then to Merlin and gave him a grateful smile.

"And let that be a lesson to you!" Merlin yells after the bandit, shaking the rabbits at them.

Arthur gives him a look.

"What? I was covering your back." Merlin replies, making his way over.

"Well, I was." Merlin shrugged.

"You alright? Didn't hurt you?" Arthur asks.

Sophia turns to Arthur and removes her hood, showing her to be rather pretty. "No... Thanks to you. I'm Sophia. This is my father."

Arthur looks starstruck, but manages to reply, "Arthur Pendragon... at your service." He kisses Sophia's hand while Aulfric grins in the background. Merlin watched with a somewhat jealous look.

Returning to Camelot, Aulfric and Sophia stand before the court and Uther, telling their story.

"My name is Aulfric, heir to Tír-Mòr. This is my daughter, Sophia." Sophia curtsies.

"You're a long way from home. What brings you to Camelot?" Uther asks.

"Our home was sacked by raiders, we barely escaped with what few possessions we could carry." Aulfric informs him.

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