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Today was a very important day.


Very, very important.

Clang, clang.

So important in fact that Merlin's life rests in the hands of a Princely Prat.

Clang, clang, clang!

Merlin's life was being sacrificed because of the importance of the Tournament that was to begin later on. Merlin, being Prince Arthur's manservant, was being submitted to the worst kind of torture, so awful in fact that its taken me this long to narrate it.

Merlin...was being made to help Arthur practise swordplay.

Oh yes...its just that awful!

After having a break Merlin put the borrowed metal helmet back on and adjusted to the heavy weight of the sword in his right hand, the weight was uncomfortable as his hand fumbled with the handle. On his left arm was a black, shiny, metal shield complete with a golden dragon to represent Camelot. The shield was covered in dints and scratches making Merlin think if any of the other servants had been submitted to this kind of torment also.

Arthur watched him impatiently as he watched Merlin clutch the sword and nearly drop it, sighing slightly Arthur dared to ask, "Ready?" Merlin looked back up at him pinning him with his blue eyed stare through the gaps in the helmet.

"Would it make any difference if I said no?" Arrogantly Arthur had turned his back on Merlin as he swung his sword around in a small display of good swordsmanship, while Merlin became adjusted once more to the heavy weight of shield, sword and armour.

Arthur turned back around. "Not really." He said as he lowered himself into a fighting stance, his sword pointed straight at Merlin. The boy gulped nervously and pointed his sword at Arthur, without a moment's warning Arthur lunged at him like a lion, "Body! Shield! Body! Shield! Shield!" Arthur shouted in a reasonably complicated order as Merlin tried to keep up with his pace and block whenever he could. Merlin stumbled backwards to escape as Arthur lunged forward again and again. "Head!" Shouted Arthur.

"Head?!" Repeated Merlin as Arthur brought his sword crashing down on the helmet Merlin was wearing, "Ow!" He moaned as his head clanged against the metal helmet. He covered his head protectively as Arthur walked around to stand behind him.

"Come on Merlin you're not even trying!"

"I am!" Arthur swung his sword to lightly hit Merlin's lower back. Merlin turned around to face Arthur suddenly wanting revenge against the arrogant Prince.

"To the left!" Called Arthur as they began a new sequence. "To the right! To the left! Head!"


"Ow!" Merlin moaned again as he stumbled backwards again. Merlin walked behind Arthur and the two faced each other.

"Come on Merlin! I've got a tournament to win!" Called Arthur.

"Can we stop now please?" Arthur didn't reply and attacked him once again. Swinging his sword left and right, hitting Merlin's shield with heavy blows. Merlin stumbled back once more but Arthur just advanced again, and without warning...


"Ow!" Merlin said once again, taken a blow to the head. He fell to the floor in a heap, his helmet fell off and he dropped the sword beside him. "Arg..." Merlin groaned. He ached...all over.

"You're braver than you look." Commented Arthur as he stared down at Merlin who lay sprawled out on the grass. "Most servants collapse after the first blow."

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