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A few days had passed since Arthur's predicament, Merlin was trying to keep himself busy. The bruise on his face was slowly fading but not as fast as he liked. He was unusually quiet around Arthur, still upset and hurt he would do what he needed to do before he left quickly.

Arthur had noticed Merlin's silence, his distance and he didn't like it but from what he put Merlin through he understood. One night while Merlin was serving Arthur food, Arthur had looked at him. "Merlin..." he started. Merlin glanced at him before back at the ground. "Yes sire." He said. Arthur flinched at the sire and he grabbed Merlin's hand. He noticed Merlin flinch but he gripped his hand. "Please look at me." He said softly.

Merlin took a deep breath as he looked up at him. "Merlin I am so sorry. I would never hurt you like this. Sophia had me under her spell." He said as he used his free hand and touched Merlin's cheek. Merlin tensed but slowly relaxed, leaning into his warm touch. He closed his eyes taking a deep breath. "I know. I know you wouldn't." Merlin said. Arthur pulled him into his arms hugging him close. Merlin leaned into him hugging him back. "What can I do to fix this, fix us?" Arthur asked. Merlin pulled away slightly and looked at him. "Make me forget." He said.

Arthur smiled softly as he leaned down kissing him lightly holding him close. Merlin smiled as he kissed him back closing the distance kissing him deeper. Merlin's arms wrapped around Arthur's neck as Arthur's rested on Merlin's waist pulling him closer as he moved them to the bed. Laying down, Merlin pulled Arthur under him as he pulled away planting kisses down Arthur's neck. Arthur moaned against the bed his eyes falling shut. "Sophia." He moaned. Merlin didn't notice until the third or fifth time he said her name as he pulled back to take their shirts off when he saw Arthur staring at him with bright red eyes.

Merlin gasped as Arthur looked at him before his face twisted in rage. "Merlin! What the hell are you doing?" He exclaimed. Merlin backed up falling off the bed. "No, I saved you, I did." He said. Arthur stood and walked over to him. "My heart and soul belong to Sophia. You'll never be enough for me. Stupid boy." Arthur laughed as he picked Merlin up like he was nothing and threw him across the room.

End of Nightmare

Merlin shot up in his bed with small cry. Sweat fell down his face soaking his pillow and hair as panted for breath holding his chest. He looked around his room before scrambling to his feet and rushing towards the door. He knew he had to make sure Arthur was ok. He ran all the way to Arthur's room before walking inside. He saw Arthur sleeping on his bed, and he let out a breath as he walked over slowly to Arthur's side. Sitting down on the edge he reached over and shook Arthur softly. "Arthur." He whispered.

Arthur groaned as he rolled over his eyes opening as he woke up. Merlin saw his eyes open and he was prepared for the red but instead he saw the blue eyes he's loved and let out a breath of relief. Thank god, he though. Arthur saw Merlin and he sat up slightly. "What's wrong?" He asked seeing his distressed face.

Merlin looked at him and smiled slightly. "Nothing I just wanted to make sure you were ok." He lies. Arthur looked at him not believing it. "Merlin tell me the truth." He said. Merlin sighed. "I had a nightmare. It's nothing to worry about." He said kissing his cheek. "Go back to sleep. I should get back to Gaius." He said.

Arthur shook his head pulling Merlin onto the bed. "Stay please." He said. Merlin looked at him before he kicked off his shoes and slid into the bed next to him. Arthur wrapped his arms around Merlin pulling him into his arms, holding him close. Merlin moved laying his head on Arthur's chest, listening to his heart he relaxed as he kissed his lips softly. "I love you so much." He said against his lips. Arthur smiled as he kissed him back. Together they both fell asleep.

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