Le Morte D'Arthur

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It had been months since the issue with Sophia. Arthur's and Merlin's relationship had grown stronger each and every day. They still had to keep a secret of course but neither of them minded. They were on a hunting trip, them and some guards. Merlin had been carrying Arthur's weapons had been falling behind from the weight.

Arthur was kneeling in some bushes looking around for the creature, when he called for Merlin. "Merlin, spear." He said quietly.

Merlin who hadn't been paying attention to where he was going went to hand it to him when it drops on Arthur

Arthur grabbed the spear with a glare, also a confused look. "Do you have any natural gifts Merlin?" He teased, trying to lighten the mood.

Merlin cracked a small smile. "No. Well, let me think. I'm not naturally rude or insensitive." He joked back, as he followed Arthur.

Arthur chuckled nudging him playfully. "Just naturally irritating." They move forward and hear growling noises. Merlins smile faded and a frightened look rested on his face. Arthur catches Merlin's expression and he wanted nothing more to wrap his arms around his love and hold him but he cleared his throat. "It's probably more scared of you than you are of it." He said

Arthur signals to his knights where to go. Then out of nowhere the Questing Beast jumps out at them. Arthur turned hearing crashing and his eyes widened at the sight of it, he drops his spear and they all run the other way. As Merlin is running he managed to trip falls and fall on a root and scrambled back as the Questing Beast grew closer with a sickening growl. Arthur sees Merlin fall and while he'd naturally joke, it wasn't no joke as he and Sir Bedivere rush forward and help him up. In the progress Bedivere falls and gets killed by the beast.

Coming to a stop after a few minutes of running, Merlin looked around trying to catch his breath. "Have we lost it?"

Arthur looked around. "Who's missing?" he asked. Merlin glanced over at the fellow knights. "Where's Sir Bedivere?" He asked as suddenly they heard Sir Bedivere is screaming in the distance.

~Back at Camelot~

In the king's council chambers the council is talking. "The creature you describe has all the characteristics of the Questing Beast." Gaius said grimly.

'Surely that's a myth,' Arthur said.

'According to the old books, the appearance of the Questing Beast is supposed to foreshadow a time of great upheaval,' Gaius warned.

'Gaius, it's an old wives' tale,' Uther tells the court physician's very strictly almost like he was hiding something

'Look, whatever it is, it's spreading panic. The people fear it will enter the city,' Arthur said.

'Then we must kill it. Arthur, gather the guard together. You ride at dawn,' the king orders.

'I beg you, Sire, do not dismiss this. The beast is an omen. I've seen it come before, the night your wife Ygraine passed away,' Gaius informed the king.

'I've told you not to speak of that night again,' snapped the king. 'I have conquered the Old Religion. it's warnings mean nothing to me now. Arthur will destroy the beast and we will no longer suffer at its hand.' Uther stated giving the old physician a look.

In the physician's chambers 

Merlin is preparing to leave. 'This is no ordinary beast, Merlin,' the physician warns.

'Don't worry,' Merlin assures his friend.

'No, listen to me, you don't understand. Uther may not respect the Old Religion, but it is very real. To face a beast such as this, you must understand where it came from,' Gaius tells the warlock.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2018 ⏰

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