Dragons Call

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In a land of myth, and a time of a magic. The destiny of a great Kingdom rests on the shoulders of a young boy. His name? ... Merlin.

It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining brightly in the light blue sky and the grass a young boy stood upon was a bright green. Several gusts of wind blew across the land as the boy walked back onto the sandy road. He covered his eyes as the offending wind tried to blind him with the sand he walked on. He wasn't a Noble or a Knight, he was a just a simple looking boy clad in brown slacks, a blue cotton shirt, a belt, leather shoes and a brown coat. Around his neck he also wore a red neck scarf of some kind. Perched on his back was a large backpack with a rolled up blanket attached to it, a water skin hung from one of the straps as it swung with his every step. The boy panted slightly but plodded along. His destination was Camelot and if what his Mother had told him was true, he'd be able to see the outer village as soon as he'd walked over this hill. Up ahead he saw large mountains and a slope of another hill waiting for him to climb it. He sighed and his pace quickened slightly.

After the hill climb he got onto a dirt road and the mountains were now behind him. He passed a man on horseback and was soon wrestling with tree branches as he tried to walk through them. They gripped his clothes and scratched his face very lightly. He paused for a break and adjusted his back pack before getting back into a strong stride as he faced another hill. 'Soon...' He told himself, 'I'll get there soon.'

Once he was stood at the top of the hill he realised how close he was to Camelot. He shrugged off his backpack and gulped down a few mouthfuls of water. He wiped the sweat of his brow and looked out towards Camelot. The castle towered over the small village, it looked so big and breathtaking too. Admiring the scene for a few moments the boy picked up his bag and soon enough began to plod along once more.

Soon enough he found himself walking around the village. The sounds and smells overwhelmed him as he smiled in anticipation, 'Maybe it won't be so bad to live here.' He thought to himself as he laughed at the two children who ran past him cheerily. The crowd was surprisingly large as everyone bustled on doing their jobs or the shopping. The boy paused to look around him in wonder as he got his bearings. His old village was only small, he didn't want to get lost in this one. Turning around he spotted the castle and grinned, he now knew where he was going.

Walking towards it he walked under an archway, where two guards stood, into a large courtyard. Horns sounded as he curiously looked upon a small crowd beginning to form in the centre. He approached the crowd where they all stood gazing at a wooden stage where a chopping block, complete with axe, was sat. Drums sounded slowly as two guards dragged out a peasant man. He wore simple clothes and even though he was inevitably walking to his death he didn't show fear. A little bit of apprehension spread itself throughout the crowd as the man approached the stage.

"Let this serve as a lesson to all," Sounded out a deep booming voice.

The sound grabbed the attention of everyone stood down in the courtyard as they peered up at the balcony where a man stood wearing a dark red tunic, jewels and draped in a blood red cloak. The golden crown on his head gave away his identity. The King of Camelot looked down at his people,

"This man." He indicated to the prisoner, "Thomas James Collins. Is adjudged guilty of conspiring to use enchantments and magic."

The crowd continued to look worriedly at their King as the dark-haired boy suddenly felt the weight of the bag on his back, a sudden dread filled him as the King uttered the word 'magic'. What had he gotten himself into?

"And pursuant to the laws of Camelot. I, Uther Pendragon, have decreed that such practises are banned...on penalty of death."

The boy gasped slightly as the King spoke, 'Death?' He thought as he swallowed nervously. He frowned, 'What kind of King was he?' The boy wished he'd never come to Camelot, as nice as the Kingdom looked this place held lots of dangers for him. Maybe he should turn back now while still he had the chance.

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