Rant about People

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I'm the smallest bit pissed at life.

So you know what?

I'm going to rant about people I commonly talk to and interact with on this website.

Because honestly I think y'all need to hear this.

And if you don't think so, sucks for you.

Let's start with you.
Listen up you little shit. Hot damn do I hate your guts.
You are a beautiful little shit that just needs to look into the mirror sometimes and go 'Hot damn I am looking good today' I would murder a small village for the bravery to do the shit you do. Not to mention you are like a fucking dictionary of shit I didn't know existed, thanks to your fine ass I not only know more about fashion, but I also learned about the characteristics of not only having a good character, but being a good character. Not to mention all of your characters are on fleek, varied as well, you branch out when I try I stick to what I know, which is a shitty trait. But you my girl, keep doing the shit you're doing. And I just want you to be a happy little shit, but since I can't smack sense into that pretty face from here I'll do it verbally. Hope you'll actually read this. Actually you don't have to, I won't be offended if you don't. But damn you need a little sunshine in your life, and if I wasn't such a sadistic bastard I'd offer more of mine to you.

Your goat loving ass is next.
I oughta fight you.
Stop killing all of our fucking characters.
Besides that, keep doing what you're doing. Write some more shit, I love your writing style, I love writing styles that sound like people are talking to me. And god damn I love your style, mine tends to drawl out in a way that makes me want to die, but yours is short, snappy, and to the point. And your characters, while I will fight Alex slouching over two füçking feet to make him look like a hunchback because he will be bent at inhuman proportions, most of your characters are little shits. Which are great. All of mine are too. And it's great to know that we are both horrible people, but I don't like killing  my characters, sorry to say. I spend too much time on them. All well.

You're next.
Listen up.
You're an amazing artist, way better than I think I would've ever been at your age. Or really ever, I've been inching away from art, but good god I love your arts even the parts you hate the most, i simply adore them. You need to hear this you little shit, you've been sad lately and have had problems and you need to hear some good shit. You're better at English than I could be, considering I failed English last year, and you're in the top percent of the students and that's amazing. Not only are you determined and creative, you are a beautiful person, (assuming I figured out which one was you in that group picture. Even if I didn't, you looked great.) and don't get me started on your photography. That's some good shit, you keep doing that, and I encourage you to do what you've been doing and expand if you wanted to. But right now, I love seeing you grow since I met you, and how talent you are and continue to amaze me.

Be happy you little shit.
Or I will find you.
And I will smack you senseless and then shove the sense back into you.

I'm not even going to bother finding your name tag.
Füçk you.
Füçk you and your entire character ark that could've been written better by my dog.
Jesus Christ get good you fucker. You came be edgy and deep and brooding twenty four seven, start fights and then act like the victim. Have a shitty backstory, and then act like it's the best thing ever. I'll admit, I'm shit at backstories, but Jesus Christ be better. And don't act like your character is so secretive when they drop shit all the time about their past.
Just please, I beg that you stop being a self righteous ass, pull your head out of your ass, and kindly make a character who can be likable in some way shape or form.


I think I'm done for now. Whether you read it or not, all well.


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