you love me but you hurt me

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"Why didn't you tell me ?" he asked with a sad and relief voice

"Did you even asked tho?; no you fxxxing didn't you just listed to her bullsxxts!!!" I was mad I'm so mad the I could kill anyone who is in front of me right now . Jane rushed at me and tried to slap me but no she can't not anymore I caught her hand and tightens my grip to her wrist letting my long sharp nails dig in to her skin wait can I even call my nails nails cause my group member calls my nails claws . blood were dripping out of her wrist but yet everyone is focused on me.


"Why don't you admitt it huh that you set me up to make Yoongi break up with me!." i screamed

Letting her anger flow out she admitted that she set me up.

"Yes I set you up cause you don't deserve him and what you're doing right now i can report you for this and it will ruin your new image!!" she tried to scare me but not working at all.

"Do you know who is in this room ?" I made her realize what she just admitted in front of her love she looked at an angry Yoongi but I don't give an Fxxk.

"You know even if you report me this count as a self-defense (AN: idk if this really count as self-defense) or i could just let everyone know that you are the reason why me and Yoongi broke up" I gave her some choices that I can think of

"Jane leave now and I don't want to see your face ever again" Yoongi seated Jane to leave as soon as possible and the other members guided her to the door but Jane just went crying . after she left I immediately felt a warm hug from behind to see Yoongi wrapping his arm in my body

"Yoongi let go please " I pleaded him to let go and but he didn't tho.

"No Y/N you don't understand I still love you" four word that's all it took to make my tears come out stupid Y/N stop your tears right now you can't cry in front of him no not now not in a million years .

"You love me but you hurt me already" I drop on the floor covering my eyes

Taehyung's Point of view

Noona dropped on her knees now and Yoongi-hyung also dropped to be the same level as noona but tears kept falling from her eyes. She was crying until she says.

"Sike!! You think I would cry for you no way dude you hurt me and you are the one who broke up with me so why should I cry for you?" I was amused but at the same time I was also a bit mad because thing is she wasn't acting and she made everyone believed that she was acting but i can see through her play she was trying so hard to act like she didn't actually care but I know and I feel it she still cares about Hyung. Yoongi-hyung looked shock before he could Even speak the door went widely open revealing ....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 06, 2017 ⏰

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