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15 days until the end of the deal.

"Only two weeks until we find out the truth" Bellamy smiled, braiding Octavia's hair.

"I already know the truth." She shrugged, "But I ain't telling you."

"Did she said anything about it?" Bellamy raised an eyebrow

"She didn't have to. I know her. I know both of you pretty well. Anyways, shouldn't you be getting ready for your date? You need to wear something nice!"

"I wear nice things all the time!" Bellamy grumbled, and Octavia raised an eyebrow.

"If that's what you think." She shrugged, and Bellamy pretended to be offended.

"I ain't helping you with your clothes for Lincoln's date, am I?" He grumbled.

"Because I don't need it." She smiled largely.

Clarke was putting her shoes on when her cellphone ringed — which meant Bellamy was already there. She looked at the mirror, and she smiled proudly.

Bellamy almost fell off the car when he saw her. She looked like an angel in a red dress.

Clarke looked at Bellamy as he walked out of the car, making her almost fell off the stairs. He was so simple but so perfect — Black jeans and a white shirt. So beautiful. His hair was a mess, but it was a cute mess.

"Well, damn." He looked at her, smiling widely.

"I can say the same," She blushed, grabbing his hand. "2 weeks left."

"2 weeks left." He nodded and chuckled at the nervous look on her face.

"Should we go?" She asked, embarrassed.

"Yes, my lady." He smirked, and she rolled her eyes.

"This is beautiful!" Clarke smiled large, capturing Bellamy's attention.

"Not the prettiest thing here, but it's still beautiful." He wrapped an arm around her waist, and she kissed his cheek.

"Thank you, Bell. It means the world." She looked, loving, at him.

"Table for Mr. and Mrs. Blake." He said when the waitress showed up.

"Mr. and Mrs. Blake?" Clarke smiled largely.

"You know me. I always like to make plans earlier." He chuckled, and she smiled shyly. 

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