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Clarke - 1 day after the end of the deal. Counting: 101 days.

Clarke didn't say anything to Bellamy yesterday. Yesterday was the end of the deal, but she wanted to make him suffer just a little. Bellamy was impatient and a bit mad that she didn't even say something like "go to hell."

Octavia was helping Clarke - and the other workers at Bellamy's office - preparing a surprise for Bellamy. Clarke also asked Val and Jasper to keep Bellamy busy while they set up everything in the office.

It was now. This was it. Clarke would prove to Bellamy what he always thought. She loved him. She loved him before the deal, and she'll never stop loving him, she was just afraid that he wouldn't love her back or break her heart.

All the time they spend together was magical. Since the day they were presented by their 1st-grade teacher until the day they will die. Clarke laughed softly when she remembered her teacher giving a young Clarke and a young Bellamy to the class.

Flashback on

"B-Bellamy," The boy spoke aloud with a giant smile, which made Clarke smile large.

"Clarke." She looked at him.

"C-can we be f-friends?" Bellamy asked her, and she nodded right away, hugging him tightly.

"Best friends." Clarke smiled, bouncing her head. "Pinky promise." She chuckled, and he nodded, noticing her beautiful braids.

"Pinky promise."

Flashback off

Clarke felt tears in her eyes, remembering everything they have been through, so she took a deep breath as she stood up. Now it was it. Her cellphone ringed, and she unlocks it, reading Jasper's text. It was all set, and Bellamy was already at the place where he was supposed to. Clarke entered the building, and she walks over the elevator pressing floor number 10.

She breathed heavily when it hit the floor 10 and when the door opened. Her eyes crossed right away with Bellamy's and he smiled at her, confused. She smiled brightly, and she walked over him - not even bothering to hear what he was saying, and she did it.

She did something she waited for years to do, and she pressed their lips together in a soft and gentle kiss. As their mouths connected, Jasper and Val let go of the balloons.

Bellamy was so happy that he thought this was his heaven, but Clarke knew it. He was her home.

"Does this mean —?"

"I love you. I always have. Since the B-Bellamy." She chuckled, crying. "God, I love you." She laughed, cleaning his tears.

"What the hell took you so long?" He laughed softly, and she pressed their foreheads together. "I'll never stop loving you, Clarke Griffin."

"Pinky promise?" She burst out into tears again, and he nodded, smiling widely.

"Pinky promise."

"My favorite 100 days." She smiled largely.

"It was actually 101, but who's counting?" He laughed before he pressed their lips together.

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