Look at all those celebrity tweets, okay? What do you see?

Yes. All of them talking about how sad they are about the Las Vegas shooting. You know what? Fuck off. This isn't about you.

All those fucking celebrities are all trying to make the shooting about them, about how sad THEY are, about how scared THEY are, how THEIR hearts are aching. Can't they talk about the shooting without making it about themselves? I'm not fucking sure.

All like « oh, this shooting is horrible, I'm so sad, my anxiety's building up, blablabla »

I didn't see one that said « all my condolences to the families of the deceased, the Vegas shooting was a terrible tragedy. »

I would prefer the second one for many reasons, but honestly, what's a tweet gonna change? The families are gonna see this and suddenly feel a little bit better? Probably not! It'll make them cry even more.

Look, I know some of you won't share my opinion, but I think that they're exaggerating.

Posting snapchats about how sad they are, about how it's making their heart ache, about how they don't feel okay anymore. They'll even post one with fucking tears coming out of their eyes.

Either they're all hyper emotional, faking, or I'm a heartless cunt.

Maybe even a bit of all three. 

My point is, they shouldn't make it all about themselves like they're doing right now. They really shouldn't. That's what I call heartless.

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