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This girl blocked me because she didn't like my opinion (and like, I understand why she did it, that specific opinion isn't very popular) and it kinda made me sad because, well, yeah.

[She uploaded a chapter about Madonna writing «#disnigga» on a post about her son or something. In the comments, people were getting madly offended]

I said that people should stop getting so offended by the n word, because it's just a word, you know. Yes, it's offensive when someone is using it literally, but if that person says it jokingly, and that same persons intentions weren't bad, why should you judge them, you know? But I guess everyone has different opinions, I'm just not the one that'll judge someone for petty things like that.

Why worry and complain about a word, when you can actually do something about real problems on this earth: starvation, rape, war, shit like that.

But no. They choose to be insulted by a word that was used as a joke.

I guess I kind of understand your point of view. But not because I don't share it that you should block me. You could have chosen a more... mature option, talked to me about it and explained your point of view like I did. But you have a right to do whatever you want to do. It's okay. I respect your decision.



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