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So I had a lot of fun last night (I didn't get drunk or anything, I'm not the biggest fan of alcohol). I have so much to do today but I really don't wanna do it.

Laboratory report for chemistry, oral for French, another oral for ethics, studying for two chemistry exams, studying for a physics exam and I have to finish the physics laboratory at home.

I'm not sure imma study for physics today I hate physics. I don't even need it for where I want to go so i could just fail it and still get into college. Same goes for chemistry.

I'm doing my french oral on anxiety and bla bla bla. Which is gonna be fun, cause I know a lot about it and it's an easy subject to talk about.

My ethics oral is already written, I just have to memorize it. My lab report is for Tuesday. I have to arrange the info for my french exam onto another sheet of paper and then memorize it in the proper order. It's really not that bad. The only shitty thing is the lab report I've gotta do.

So yeah. My life in a nutshell: schoolwork.

Kill me.

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