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Wooo long time no see my people. By that I mean the one or two people who read this.

Life has been okay. School is a bitch. I'm going to my college of choice in criminology August 22nd. I still hate physics. I've got my prom dress (I'd have shown you a picture but I only took one on Snapchat; it disappeared after a bit). It's beige, loose on the bottom. I'm gonna get it adjusted this Friday because it's a little big for me. Honestly, I feel like nothing happened to me for such a long time, but who cares. Holy shit I've gotta sneeze but the snEEZE ISN'T COMING ASAGH

I'm comfortable right now. Calm, comfortable, dreading tomorrow because first class is physics and then chemistry. I've got math too. What about y'all? How's life? Are you having fun?

I'm just not into it all lately. I'm happy, happier than I've ever been, but the will to go further in life just isn't there. I'm not ready for college. I'm not ready for my first real job. I don't even know what I'm doing.

On a less depressing note, a couple of people I really don't like talk to me a lot and it makes me uncomfortable. One of them is a guy who told me that he only hangs out with his friends so he doesn't become a reject. He also told me that he didn't even like them. Ever since then, I've tried to stop talking to him, but he talks to me a lot. I don't like how he treats his friends, it's not okay!

And the other one I just don't like because he's not my type of friend. It's not « hate ». I just don't like him as a friend, or anything for that matter. He's just there, you know? We've never been friends, but he'll talk to me sometimes. He's nice. I sound like a bitch. Sorry.

I feel so boring right now damn. Sorry to the one/two people who read this, I just feel a bit blah right now.

Well, I'm tired. I might update something slightly happier later in the week, who knows?

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