What's Taking Me so Long to Update?

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Hey guys I know I've been pretty much M.I.A. for the past couples days so I thought that I would explain why it's been so long. First, I have some serious writers' block right now but don't worry I've been reading your comments and trying hard to get ideas. Second, I've started a petition at school recently to read more about Black History, and after this I'm going to expand it to different races because they America is like a big "Melting Pot," then why are we still learning about the white history and keeping repeating the same black history, a synopsis of when the Native Americans got kicked off their land by Andrew Jackson, and only learning about their languages. So right now I'm writing a essay for it and I'm making copies of my petition to give to my principal and city Hall and after that at least get acknowledge I'm going expand it and I'm not going to give up or change my mind about until this because a law. Anyway, I'm also a little behind in my classes and 2 of them is honors and progress reports about to come out plus I've made a deal with one of my favorite teachers' that if I get all A's this marking period she'll buy some food so I have bring my grades up cause if it's food I'm doing it. So yeah pretty much that's what I've been doing and strongly encouraged y'all to start a petition too at your school to read more about other races and not just Black but all of them. I strongly encourage you to stand up for what you believe and stand up for you roots and don't let anyone shut you out. I strongly encourage to keep your eyes, ears, and minds open to anything that you see is wrong. Also tell if you stand for the flag of the U.S. and tell why or why not p.s. I don't and not because of Donald Trump it's because everyone doesn't have their freedom and human rights they deserve.

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