Chapter 9

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X-PLICIT LANGUAGE (yes I'm aware that is spelled wrong)

"...I'm so bored..." Daisy groaned. "Super bored..." It had been five days since Daisy's fight.

"Oh... You've reached... That phase..." Rosalina sighed. "We all... Go through it.."

"That's not reassuring," Daisy wailed. "I should train, but I can't find Toadette. I haven't seen Toadette for.. Forever!"

" can't find Toadette...?" Rosalina questioned. "That's strange... She's usually in here to... Start your training.."

"I know, right? And come to think of it- I haven't really seen Dixie around either," Daisy frowned. "This isn't good! I don't know what to do!"

"...I know... This isn't going to make you feel... Any better..." Rosalina started. "But... I haven't seen Kaira either.."

"Uh oh..." Daisy breathed. "All of our prisoner wardens are gone..?"

"Maybe they all... Got in trouble together..." Rosalina shrugged. "Wouldn't surprise... Me much."

"But..." Daisy pushed herself off her bed. "I'm going to go look for them!"

Rosalina watched as Daisy left.

"...they're all in... A lot of trouble..."


"Toadette!" Daisy shouted as she spotted Dixie and Toadette. "Where have you guys been!?"

"Daisy!" The two girls looked exhausted. "Have you seen Kaira!?"

"Wha-no," Daisy frowned. "I was just about to ask you!"

"What did Pauline do to her!" Dixie yelled frustratingly. "We gotta find her!"

"I don't even know where to look!" Daisy sighed.

"We've been searching for the past four days," Toadette yawned. "I'm living off of four hours of sleep. Honestly, I feel like I'm back in high school.."

"Where are we even supposed to look?" Daisy asked. "Maybe we could ask Pauline-"

"Maybe if you want to die," Dixie suggested. "She'll kill you for suggesting something as stupid as that."

"I figured... But it was still worth a shot," Daisy frowned. "What else can we do?"

"I don't know. Normally, I would ask her cell mate, but she's not even here anymore..." Dixie groaned. "I give up."

"No giving up! We have to do this," Toadette said. "If we can't find her..." Toadette looked away. "I don't want to think about that."

"You're right," Daisy nodded. "But where else can we look?"

"...I don't know."


"Fuck you all! Get the hell away from me!" The red haired warrior snarled. Strapped down to an operating table with metal cuffs, Kaira could not escape despite her best efforts.

"Now now, is that really the best way to talk to your captors?" Pauline purred. The head of the prison stood next to her, smirking, as well as Birdo and Wendy.

"What do you think we should do with her?" Wendy questioned.

"Hm... Rebelling against you guys? That's more of Pauline's thing for deciding a punishment," the leader pointed out. "So I'll let her choose."

Pauline's eyes gleamed in excitement.

"Oh... Maybe I'll torture her to the brink of death! Or maybe I could kill Saiko right in front of her," Pauline smirked as Kaira growled, fighting against her restraints. "She wouldn't like that, would she?"

"Fuck you-!" Kaira snapped. "I only need one person and its Saiko! You have no reason to take her away from me!"

"As a matter of fact, let me remind you of when you guys tried to run away?" Birdo told her. "You killed a lot of our staff."

"Isn't that a pretty normal thing!?" Kaira shouted. "Of course I'm going to run away, from this damn prison I'm stuck in! That's a normal response, you fucking idiots!"

"And it's a pretty normal thing for us to punish the ones who disobey," Wendy countered. "If I could suggest a punishment... How about taking a body part from her?"

"Good idea," the leader approved. "Pauline, up to you."

"Hmm.." Pauline leered over the snarling girl.

"Go to hell," Kaira spit as Pauline raised her brow.

"I've never heard you use such explicit language before," Pauline mused. "You must really miss Saiko, Huh?"

"That's right. And if you give Saiko back to me, I won't hurt anyone ever again. I'll obey. I'll search and destroy. Damn, I'll be your stupid guard dog. Just.."

"Hmm... I do like the sound of that," Pauline smiled maliciously. "But first, you have to pay up."

"Have you made your decision?" The leader questioned. "It's time for me to leave soon."

"Yes. With your permission, I hope," Pauline looked over her shoulder. "After all, we don't want to injure a member of Bloody Hell too much."

"Very true." Birdo sneered.

"So what have you chosen?" Wendy asked curiously.

Pauline grinned evilly.

"Right. Eye."

Can I be honest with you guys?

This is the story that I'm most proud of. I feel like it has the most original plot line out of all of mine, and is completely different than my other works. That's why updates come out much faster than all my other books!

That being said, I'm thinking about maybe turning it into an original once I finish this. If you don't know what I mean by that, I mean like making it completely original and erasing all fandoms, if that makes sense. It would be original character, original.. Everything. (Kaira, Saiko, etc. would stay the same) What do you guys think about that? It wouldn't be happening for a while- but just to get your opinions on it!

There will always be warning signs for language, but just keep in mind this story will have stronger language just because of the setting they are in.

Thanks for reading! You're all the best!

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