Chapter 15

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Once the celebration was over and everyone cleared out of the arena stadium, Daisy and Kaira were allowed to leave. Despite having many minor wounds, Kaira was practically jumping up and down with excitement.

"Kaira, great job! I'm so happy!" Daisy grinned. "Then again, it's not like anyone didn't think it would happen, but..."

"Well, it wasn't that hard," Kaira looked happier than normal even though she was injured. "The last monster was a lot tougher than the rest, though."

"Was that one of... Those monsters?" Daisy questioned.

"No... Not even close," Kaira told her. "The real monsters had me thinking I was going to die. That monster was only about half their strength... Just goes to show how rusty I'm getting."

"Well, I don't know about that- you did have to defeat ninety nine monsters before that," Daisy pointed out. "You shouldn't put yourself down, that was amazing."

"I dunno... I was pretty careless with it," Kaira frowned. "Speed always gets me to make reckless decisions. I'm sure that if I wasn't timed, I probably could've finished quicker.."

"Reverse psychology of a sort?"

"Yeah, I guess so."

"Thats cool," Daisy grinned. "I've always loved reverse psychology. It always seemed cool to me."

"That makes sense," Kaira's eyes wandered the halls as she searched for Saiko. "I've been here for so long that I don't know anything about any type of majors or minors... Or anything."

"Well, business, art, law, education... Literally anything you can think of," Daisy explained.

"Wow...I wonder what it would be like to go to college," Kaira pondered. "Or high school, for that matter... Or ANY school.."

"You've never been to school?" Daisy questioned.

"Maybe first grade?" Kaira explained. "I was taken when I was really young. I don't remember if it was kindergarten or first grade or maybe even preschool. Preschool sounds about right... Or kindergarten."

"Wow.. They took you that early?" Daisy gaped.

"Yeah... That was when this place was still being made," Kaira said. "The original founder is dead, he was killed by our current leader so he could take the position."

"Who's our leader-?"

"Saiko!" Kaira never answered Daisy as she ran towards the blue haired girl.

"Kaira!" Saiko grinned and ran towards her. The two embraced in a hug, Kaira holding onto Saiko as if she was trying to leave.

"We're never making the mistake of leaving ever again," Kaira muttered into Saiko's ear. "I'm not ever losing you again."

And in that moment, Daisy knew that if she ever wanted to escape, she'd have no one to turn to for help.


"Do you think they'll try to run away again?" Pauline questioned.

"No... Neither of them are that stupid. Our favorite girls aren't that dumb," The leader answered. "Even if they are, we'll merely separate them again... And knowing her, she won't do it."

"Good, good, but I have a feeling that the newbie might be joining those girls," Pauline raised her brow at him. "Care to explain?"

The leader shrugged.

"She's a friend of the next... Newbie."

Pauline nodded understandably.

"Are you sure you want to put him in here?" Pauline asked.

"I don't have a choice. Regardless of who he is to me, the officials have already found out and demand that he be put in here."

"..I'm sorry,"

"Don't be..." The leader said. "I should be the ones who's sorry once he's here."


"Satsuki..? Is she new?"

"I don't know, everyone's talking about it. The Killing Princess went on another rampage yesterday,"

"Who's the Killing Princess?"

"It's Satsuki! Haven't you been following this conversation at all!?"

"No, not really. We're kinda new too, so..."

"Satsuki's been here for awhile... No one has ever seen what she looks like- just that she goes on a deadly rampage sometimes."

"Well. If that's not worrying, I don't know what is."

"Are we all going to die?"

"Joy. I can't wait."

"That's not funny!"


Daisy had wanted to give the two some privacy, so they sat in their cell room. Saiko was putting all of her stuff back and Kaira was helping her. Well- that's what they were doing- until they got distracted and now laid on top of Saiko's bed.

"Hmm... Have you been doing a lot of slaying lately?" Saiko hummed as she admired her scythe.

"Not really... But now that you're back, everything and everyone is going to die," Kaira grinned maliciously. "...and I mean it."

"Ooh, Saiko can't wait! Saiko can join, right? Right?" Saiko pleaded as she looked at Kaira with cerulean puppy eyes.

"Well duh, why wouldn't I let you?"

"Hurray!" Saiko cheered. "Saiko's going to kill things too!"

"...that's right.. Bloody Hell is coming back... And no one can stop us."

"Of course," Saiko told her. "Let's go kill things!"

"I'm so glad you're back."

Aaaaaaaaaaaand that's the end of the Saiko arc! Tada! As far as OC's go- they stay the same. If your OC made it in before, noice, if you OC didn't, I is sorry. I tried my best but there were too many characters that were kinda similar. :(

Anyway, I've been feeling somewhat depressed lately so please don't comment below how sad that makes you. I'm sorry, I'm guilty, so please don't make me feel worse.

Thanks for reading. What's the next arc gonna be about? (HINT: Character arrival! Not OC's yet)

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