Chapter 38

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" it fun?" Daisy questioned, laughing slightly.


"Is it fun warding us around?"


"Don't you just enjoy your freedom? I hate you for being free! I want to go back! You're a warden- take me back!" Daisy cried.



Kaira laughed. It was such an abrupt change in her personality that Daisy was stunned.

"Me!? A warden? Haha, I wish! Freedom? I haven't seen that in years. I'm stuck here just as much as you are!" Kaira giggled, holding up her wrist. The metal bracelet was indeed on Kaira's wrist. "You're lucky you just started now! I've been here since I was five. This is practically my home."


It was Kaira that...?

Kaira that committed so many mass murders...?

Her friend... did this...? Was about to kill her..?

"What the hell-" Luigi had a loss of words. "Kaira, what are you doing?"

"What's it look like I'm doing?" She laughed.

"This.. this isn't you," Daisy stumbled back. "You.. you're not Kaira. Kaira wouldn't do this. She wouldn't."

"You're right," She smirked. "Because I'm not Kaira... I'm Satsuki Kaira Reiko. Sorry, Daisy. I tried to keep my identity a secret from you, but it was too late. Whoops."

"Your eye..." Luigi pointed to the scar that ran through her eye. "How is it... it's...? Back?"

"Oh, this?" Satsuki stroked her scar. "Let's just call it regeneration, for lack of better words... hehe."

"I knew you were insane, but not this insane," Luigi was in disbelief. "What other powers do you have...?"

"You killed so many people..." Daisy mumbled. "You murdered them..."

"Guess what..." Kaira smiled. "I don't care. It was so much fun to watch them squirm, and plead for their life. You know how many of them begged, and said they'd do anything? They'd kill anyone they needed to just to save their own skin. Pathetic."

"What you're doing is just as bad," Daisy pointed out. "You're killing people for no reason. No reason! Kaira, this isn't you. It can't be you. You'd never do that..."

"I wouldn't, would I..?" Satsuki snapped. "Daisy, you've been living in a dream here. It's time for you to wake up. Things here are different. I thought you would've realized this by now, but I guess not. This. Is. Hell. There's nothing about this place that's sunshine and rainbows, even if that's what you thought. This is the world we live in, Daisy! And nothing can change that."

"But it doesn't make sense..."

"Why does it need to?" Kaira scowled. "I gave you the truth. This is who I am. Deal with it."


"Listen, Daisy," Satsuki Kaira stared at her with intent. "You're my friend, or at least somewhat of one. And Rosalina was supposed to keep you away from here, which she evidently failed. If you don't leave right now, I'm going to kill you."

"Please..." Daisy whimpered. "Please tell me this is just a dream..."

"Daisy, we gotta go," Luigi said gently. "Come on!"

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