Chapter 41

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"Don't you even try!" Saiko cried out. "Satsuki is-"

"Saiko," Kaira's head was still lowered. "Let her have justice."

"But Kaira doesn't-"

"It's what I deserve."



Saiko pouted, looking away defiantly. She was extremely annoyed, and worried. Both for Toadette and Kaira. If Toadette turned on Kaira, Saiko was going to unleash hell, but if she didn't, Kaira might become angry that she didn't do as she asked.

I'm scared, Dixie thought. Toadette, please don't...


Toadette thrusted the katana forward. Before it could collide with Kaira, Toadette flinched, looking away and threw it on the ground. It slid across the ground, and Daisy sighed in relief.

"...I don't know what's going on," Toadette sighed. "And I don't know why you did it... but I do know that you are my friend. And I know that Toad wouldn't want me to hurt you to avenge him... he looked up to you. So I won't."

"Are you sure?"


"Then thank you," Kaira nodded, raising her chin. "And you deserve an explanation."

"Oh, everything's good now!" Saiko breathed. "Yay, yay, yay!"


Dixie and Saiko high fived, but Daisy didn't know what to do. Daisy trust Kaira, with good reason... but Toadette had forgiven her, so shouldn't she?

"Daisy... before you leave," Kaira said. "Let me explain things to you."


Toadette, Dixie and Daisy all sat down on Saiko's bed, while Kaira and Saiko sat on Kaira's. Kaira stood up, beginning her tale.

"My name is Satsuki Kaira Reiko," Kaira began. "Um.. okay. I was the first one to be here. I was adopted by Mario when I was one, and was brought here when I was four-to the Comet Observatory- by him."

Daisy was grateful Luigi wasn't here right now.

"Mario was someone I looked up to," Kaira looked away. "He was pretty much my father... he was only eleven years old when he originally adopted me. He must've gotten his parents to sign the papers, and then he took me... but he wasn't a terrible parent at that age. He was able to... raise me. Anyway, that's not the point. The point is, I've been trapped here my whole life... and I've fought those damn monsters. I've never gotten away from it. I've been raised by Mario... my whole life."

"Okay, and?" Toadette asked impatiently.

"...Satsuki... that's who I really am," Kaira muttered. "My true personality right now is... me holding back. I can't help it when... I burst out, I guess. Do you remember the grand stars?"

"Yes...? But what does that have to do with anything?" Daisy asked.

"The Grand Stars are what keeps myself in check," Kaira explained. "It holds most of my magical power and is basically connected to me. That's why they're so well hidden... if in the worst case scenario, all of the grand stars were destroyed, I... I'd be unleashed upon the world. I'd never be able to control myself. It sounds strange, but I can't stop myself. The lust for blood is strong, and..."

I enjoy it, Kaira thought to herself. It's not like I try to hold back very much.

"Yeah. Anyway," Kaira continued. "As a last resort, I'd slaughter everyone if everyone tried to run away. I wouldn't be able to control myself."


"Well that's lovely," Toadette sighed. "So why did you guys try to run away?"

"...It's Saiko's fault," Saiko said. "Saiko thought that if we did it, Kaira would be able to fight it."

"It didn't matter. It didn't happen anyway," Kaira sighed. "We can't find any of them. And finding them will mean death. So there's no point in trying to leave."

"Oh. Lovely."


Daisy returned from Kaira's and Saiko's cell, finding Rosalina and Luigi in her own cell.

"Oh, what are you doing here?" Daisy asked, confused.

"Waiting for you. Did everything go alright?" Luigi questioned, wrapping her in a hug. "Glad you're okay, by the way."

"Thanks. Everything is... fine," Daisy sighed. "Actually, no, it isn't. Toadette's okay with it. I just don't understand how she's okay, how everyone's okay with Kaira being a murderer..."

"She can't control it...." Rosalina said. "It's not completely her fault..."

"But I... ugh. Am I thinking too much about it?" Daisy questioned. "Is if not that much of a deal..?"

"It is," Luigi nodded. "It really is a big deal that she kills people. What if we're next?"

"She won't kill you guys..." Rosalina looked away. "She won't..."

"That doesn't make it better," Luigi snapped. "She still kills other people."

"Well, maybe they deserve it," Daisy argued. "I...I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me."

"She can't control it..." Rosalina repeated. "Keep that in mind... it's not her fault..."

"Yeah... we'll see."


"Oh, Mario..." Pauline purred. "What do you have planned?"

"Hmm," Mario shrugged. "Why don't we just let things play out for now?"

"Actually, I've got a better idea..."

Hey everyone! Hope you enjoyed the chapter! Surprised Kaira isn't dead? Don't blame you!

Question of the chapter: who's your least favorite character? Favorite character?

Anyway, this is just to put a heads up that there will be a prequel to Insanity! Many of you guys wanted one of Kaira and Saiko's stories before Insanity's events, but I can't do that until the next arc is over. So yeah, when it is, the book will be up and I'll announce that :)

The next thing is that a original I'm making has been published :) it's called "Fantasia" and it has Kaira and Saiko in a alternate world... as well as the other Mario characters, but by different name as it is technically an original story. Go check it out if you have time :)

Thanks for reading!

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