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Some great love stories begin with love at first sight or the guy saving the girls life or doing some other heroic deed. Ours begins with a broken down truck and the rainstorm of the century. As I was driving home from boarding school on the first day of summer vacation, my truck broke down during the biggest rainstorm ever recorded in our county. The rain was coming down in sheets so thick you couldn't see a foot in front of you. I was sitting there trying to patiently wait out the storm when a flash of red caught my attention. It turned out that the red I saw was hair and it was attached to the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. She was tall and willowy and she appeared to be dancing in the rain. Watching her was mesmerizing, the way she looked so carefree and wild. She was obviously insane, but still there was something electrifying about her insanity. Maybe it was her bravery I admired or maybe it was how carefree she seemed. Whatever it was, I found it attractive. She danced and danced until the rain slowly let up and then stopped all together. As it began to clear, I was able to make out a little more about her. Beautiful was an understatement. She was radiant, gorgeous, phenomenal. Suddenly she stopped dancing and our eyes met and it was like a surge of electricity running through me.

My heart was pounding in my chest and my mind went completely blank and I felt like my lunch would make a reappearance. Then just like that, she was gone. She vanished into thin air right before my eyes. Was it all a dream? Was she an angel or a spirit? I sat there staring at the place she had been just moments before as my insides continued to shake and I tried to catch my breath. After several minutes, I pulled myself together and got my truck started.

I was in a daze the rest of the day. I told my parents I was just tired from my long journey home, but really I was thinking about the girl dancing in the rain. Though our eyes had only met for a short moment, she seemed to have read my soul and innermost thoughts. I couldn't get her out of my head. I didn't know what I was feeling, but I knew that I liked it.  A lot. I vowed to myself that I would find that girl. She was everything I could never be; free, adventurous, wild. Little did I know, that I would indeed find that girl and that she would change the course of my life forever. 

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