Chapter 4

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I worked for two days straight only leaving my room to get food and I always made sure to avoid my dad as much as possible. Come Monday morning though it was inevitable. I had been up the whole night again working on the posters and I went downstairs to get a snack before I took a nap. Dad just happened to be getting his morning coffee ready when I walked in. "Good morning, Felix!" My mother cried hugging me and kissing my forehead. "What are you doing up this time of day?'

"Actually, I've been up all night and I ran out of supplies but the mall doesn't open until ten so I was going to catch a couple hours of sleep before that." I said.

"My, you have been busy."

"Yeah I'm really proud of them so far."

"If only you put this much effort into something that mattered maybe then you could make something of yourself." Dad scowled.

That was the last straw. "Why is it so hard for you to accept me for who I am?! This is what I love to do and I'm good at it so what is the big deal? You are acting like a child cheated out of a toy. When are you going to realize that money means nothing to me?"

"You are losing your mind, Felix. That girl has done something to you. You are a sensible boy and she has turned you into something else."

"All Pippa has done is save me from the horrible, unhappy life that YOU set up for me. This is what I always wanted but I was too afraid to say it. But I'm not afraid anymore. This is who I am and this is the life I am choosing for myself and you can't stop me."

"Felix Armstrong get back here!"

But I wasn't listening. I grabbed a backpack and threw everything I thought I would need in it; I was getting out of here. I stormed down the stairs and pushed past my parents despite their efforts to stop me. I took all the posters I had already made and all of the supplies I had left with me. I had no intention of coming back anytime soon. I sped down the road and called B.J.

"Do you have any idea what time it is, Fe?" He whined. "Normal people aren't awake at this time of day."

"Stop whining, not everyone has the luxury of sleeping until noon. Listen, my parents are bumming me out so I'm gonna move in for a few days alright?" I said.

"You know I never mind you staying over but are you sure that you aren't overreacting about this?"

"Definitely not. I have to be my absolute best for this project and I can't do that in this house. So I'm going to stop by the mall on my way there, grab some more supplies and then I should be there by lunch time."

"Okay fine, dude. Whatever you feel like you need to do."

"Right. Also, I haven't slept in two days so I may fall asleep behind the wheel."

"How about I meet you at the mall?"

"Good idea."

So an hour later, B.J. met me at the mall. I don't know how I managed to get all the way there without passing out. Luckily, he had brought Hayley and Lamar with him so I didn't have to drive all the way to his house.

I bought pretty much everything in the art supply store, even stuff I had no intentions of using. B.J. grabbed a few things from the bake shop (he had agreed to help with the bake sale) and then we loaded up. I got in B.J.'s truck and passed out while Lamar and Hayley drove mine.

That little nap gave me a boost. After a quick lunch, I got straight to work. My fathers voice kept ringing through my head which gave me inspiration. B.J. and Hayley begged me to take a break and hang with them but I ignored them. I only stopped to eat and pee. Eventually though, they forced me to go to bed which I did reluctantly and I was up before the sun the next morning. I went on in this manner for several days.

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