Chapter 2

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The next day I peeled my eyes open at two in the afternoon. I had been up until 6 A.M. filling out applications. I walked downstairs in a trance to make myself some coffee. Thankfully, mom was gone so I didn't have to worry about her confronting me just yet. I got the biggest mug of coffee I could find and grabbed a box of granola bars before climbing back up the stairs to shower and shave. I wanted to make a good impression on Pippa. And maybe not look like I had been up all night.

At ten till three I got in the truck and drove to her house. She was sitting on the porch swing scribbling away at a piece of paper. The wind blew causing her hair to fly gently and the swing to sway. When she saw me pull in the driveway, she bolted up and ran to the truck while stuffing papers into her bag.

"Hello Felix."

"Hello, Pippa."

"You look good today."

"As do you."

She looked better than good. She was every complimentary word I could think of. She was wearing a simple sundress with a jean jacket and purple Chuck Taylor's and her hair hung loose down her back. Her intoxicating scent wafted through the air and filled the truck. I was suddenly very afraid that my granola bars and coffee would make a reappearance. I clutched the steering wheel tighter to cover up the fact that I was shaking like crazy.

"I did it." I said.

"Congratulations! What did you do exactly?" Pippa replied.

"I applied to every art school in the country and a few out of it."

"Felix, that's fantastic! We should celebrate."

"I only applied that doesn't mean I'm in. Not yet."

"Still, that's a big step. You must have been up all night!"

"I was. I finally collapsed about six this morning."

"You have been busy! Your parents must be proud."

"Not likely. I told my mom last night and she almost lost it. When my dad finds out, it will be World War 3."

"Well, I'm proud of you if that counts for anything."

"That means a lot actually. It's thanks to you I even applied. If it wasn't for you, I'd still be on my way to architect school."

"I'm glad I could be of service."

She laughed and I nearly lost control of the truck. She switched on the radio and put her sneakers up on the dash. She drummed her fingers along to the music and got a far off look in her eyes. I thought I saw tears brimming in them. I reached to turn down the music a little. "Are you okay?" I asked.

"Wh-what? Oh, yes. I'm fine. Sorry, I zoned out there for a minute."

She laughed.

I could tell she was lying but I didn't want to push her. I decided to take the more scenic route to B.J.'s house. He lived in a big house out in the country with Hayley and they always hosted the best parties. "I love the country." She said. "It's so peaceful and quiet; perfect for a writer with an overactive imagination."

"I'm pretty fond of it myself. I always take this way to B.J.'s if I'm not in a hurry. I had a feeling that you might like this way too." I replied.

"Most people would get bored of the never ending green, but I find it inspiring and calming. There's nothing like a good drive through the country to get your mind off of things."

"Are you sure nothing is bothering you?"

"No offense, but I just met you yesterday. I'm not 100% comfortable telling you my secrets."

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