Chapter 3

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I woke the next day to a missed call and three texts from Pippa asking me to meet her at the community center. Thankfully, it was only a ten minute drive so I had time to make myself look good. I once again was able to avoid mom by bolting out the door and driving away before she could stop me. I wondered why Pippa would ask me to go to the community center on a Saturday and why she hadn't asked me to drive her there. When I pulled in the parking lot, Lamar and Pippa were waiting for me. "Hey guys, what's up?" I asked.

"We need some help and you are the only other person qualified for the job." Lamar replied.

"And what job would that be exactly?"

"We need a third counselor and someone to be over the art department."

"Wait, wait. Do you mean an acting counselor?"

"Is that a problem?"

"Um, yeah! I can't be a counselor."

"Why not?" Pippa asked. "You said you made top grades in theater."

"Well, yeah. But that was just kid stuff. For fun. I've never done it, like, professionally."

"Felix, these are ten year olds who have never acted outside of school plays. They aren't exactly professionals. They're just here to have a little fun over the summer and it would really help us out."

"I don't know......"

"Please, Felix! It's so much fun! And we really need someone artistic over the art department. Plus, volunteer work looks really good on college applications."

"Okay fine, I'll do it."

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!"

She flung her arms around me and I was overwhelmed by thoughts of "Oh my gosh she's touching me! Omg omg omg!!!!" She clung to my neck for what felt like an eternity and I lamely put an arm around her waist.

"You don't know how much this means to us." She said when she finally let go.

"Yeah, man. It is so difficult with only the two of us. We have been searching for someone qualified enough since last year and you are the absolute only candidate." Lamar said.

"No big deal; it'll be fun. Hey, maybe I'll even decide to become an acting coach!" I laughed.

"I don't know about that, but it will definitely help your career out immensely." Pippa replied. "I mean, Lamar and I have only been doing this for two years and he is on his way to Broadway."

"It's not Broadway. At least not yet. But Pip's right, the experience is very rewarding." He said. "Now  come on we have got work to do before the kids get here."

They found me a camp counselor shirt and talked me through their plans. They were doing Peter Pan which just happened to be something I was very familiar with. "I played Peter Pan in the tenth grade."

"No way!" Pippa cried.

"Yes way. I was pretty good, too."

"That's perfect. We have already cast all the kids but the girl playing Peter could really use some encouragement from a former Peter."

"A girl is playing Peter?"

"It's traditional."

"I know but I assumed we had moved past all that tradition stuff."

"We had auditions for all genders and Floraline happened to be the best candidate."

"Okay then, I'll do my best to help her."

It was decided that Lamar would play piano and be in charge of the singing, Pippa would be the main director and be in charge of costumes, and I would focus on making Floraline the best Peter she could be and making props and painting sets. I was given a quick rundown of all the kids, their emotional state, and their level of talent.

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