Love, gold and dwarves

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Satoshi wakes up early in the morning on a Saturday.

He looks at the clock next to his soft bed.

"Just 6o' clock? Why do I wake up so early in weekends?"

He lies back in the pillow and closes his eyes to fall asleep again, but a knock on his front door make him open his eyes again.

"Who comes to my place so early?" He asks himself and get out of bed to open the door.

He opens the door, just a little, and peek out. On the outside, is Yuuki standing, with a big smile on his lips.

"Good morning Satoshi!" He says.

"Morning...." Satoshi grumble.

He is not happy to have visit so early in the morning.

"Can I enter?"


Satoshi let Yuuki enter his apartment.

"Why are you visiting me so early?"

Satoshi is confused, Yuuki always slept until 11o'clock. So why is he here?

"I will tell you something really important! And fun! And exciting!" Yuuki is excited.


"Satoshi, you, I and the rest of the band will go out for an adventure!" Yuuki claps his hands and jumps around of excitement.

"Hey! Calm down! What adventure are you talking about?"

"We will look for gold in a goldmine and steel gold from the dwarfs there!"

Satoshi thinks for a while.

"Is that really a good idea?"

"Of course! It can be fun! Are you with us?"

"Okay, I am with you."

"JIPPIE!!!!!!!" Yuuki shouts and jumps around more.

"But please calm down!"

To be continued...

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