Part nine

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The wolf walk out of the bush and stand in front of us. It looks angry. Yuuki buries himself closer to Satoshi, he's surely scared of that wolf. All of them are sitting still, watching the wolf. It starts to go closer to them with small steps.

It comes closer and closer...then they see more wolfs behind this one. They are to big to possibly be wolfs.

"It's werewolfs...." Satoshi whispers.

Ichirou turns his eyes towards him.

"RUN!!" He shouts.

They all just stand up and start to run, don't care about their packing.

The werewolfs runs after them. They run towards the forest.

"HIDE HERE!!" Rito shouts and points at a huge bush.

They all throw ourself in it to hide from the scary creatures.

They watch them run past.

"Urgh.. That was luck..." Hiyuu says with a sigh.

"But wait, we're is Yuuki!!" Satoshi asks worried.

All of the others look around.

"I have no idea.." Rito says.

"Oh no..." Satoshi says and put his hands over his forehead...

All of them starts to looking for Yuuki in the surrounding.

Satoshi starts to get very worried for his boyfriend.

"Yuuki..." He says and sits down on the ground. He starts to sob quietly.

Ichirou walks over to him and put an arm over his neck.

"We will find him." He says.

Then, they hear a loud scream from the mountain the are on their way to...

To be continued...

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