Part ten

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"He is there!" Satoshi shouts and points at the mountain.

"What to do? My boyfriend is in there with dangerous animals! What to do! Just think about what they are doing with him right now!"

Then, one more loud shouts come from the mountain.

"They torturous him!"

Satoshi is so upset over this.

He fall down on knees and starts to cry.

"Why Yuuki?"

Rito sits down next to him and put an arm around his friend.

"I am sure he will be alright." He says.

Satoshi shakes his head.

"No, he will not be alright...

He stands up and walk back to the place where they left their back after the werewolf-attack. He packs his stuff and put it in a backpack before he walks back to the other.

He looks at them closely.

"My boyfriend trusts me, I have to go and find him. I can't let them torture him. I will go now, alone. See you by the mountain in a week.."

He starts to walk toward the huge forest, and do not look back at his friends, not even once.

His only goal right now is to bring his boyfriend back into the safety in his arms. Satoshi misses to embrace his little Yuuki.

He walks a bit into the forest. It's impossible to see in it. There is trees and bushes everywhere. He walks in the forest for three hours before he gets to tired to continue walking.

"I think I need some sleep..." He whispers to himself.

He begins to pack up his backpack so he can get some sleep.

But the stuff in his back don't want to get out, so he gives up and just put his head on the backpack and sleeps on it instead.

Before he falls asleep, he thinks about Yuuki. Now, by bedtime, when he is used to Yuuki who has cuddled up tight against him, he starts to miss his cute boyfriend even more.

"Yuuki..." Satoshi whispers.

To be continued...

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