Part eight

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They climb for an hour before they reach the ground.

They look forward and see the large forest they talked about earlier.

"Let's go!" Rito says and sounds happy.

Yuuki takes Satoshis hand and kiss it.

"I feel safe with you." He says.

Satoshi smiles.

"I will always protect you.."

They walks towards the forest, and the closer they come, Yuuki seems to be more upset. Satoshi notices it.

"Is something wrong my dear?" He asks.

Yuuki looks down at his walking feet.

"I'm just worried..."

The sun is starting to get down.

"Let's take a rest here." Hiyuu says and throw himself at the ground.

They start to pack up their stuff so they can stay over the place over the night.

"Why are you worried?" Satoshi asks Yuuki when the lay down on the ground to get some sleep.

Yuuki cuddles closer to Satoshi and buries his into Satoshis chest.

"I am worried. I don't know why."

"Okay, let me know if something is bothering you."

Satoshi leans in closer to his dear Yuuki and kisses his forehead.

"I will always protect you..."

He do not hear Yuukis respond before he falls asleep....

He wakes up in the middle of the night of a scary sound.

Yuuki is still cuddling close into him and the others seems to be asleep.

But where did that scary sound come from? He looks around again. There's nothing.

"I guess it was an illusion."

I lays down again and try to fall asleep, but then he hears the sound again.

"But what the..."

He can't finish the sentence before he hear the sound again, this time closer.

Then, he sees it.

Fifteen meters away, in a bush, a big wolf is hiding.

"WAKE UP!!!!"

Everyone is waking up by Satoshis shout.

"What is it?" Ichirou asks.


To be continued...

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