Part eleven

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Next morning~

Satoshi wakes up in the forest. At first, he can't remember how he got there. But when he starta to think about his loves little Yuuki, he remembers.

"Yuuki...I really hope that you are alright... If you aren't, I don't know what to do...I can't live without you.."

He talks just like Yuuki is sitting right next to him.

"And I am coming to get you back..."

Satoshi stands up and put his backpack on his back and starts to walk.

He walks for maybe five or six hours before he gets exhausted.

"How huge is this forest??"

He really wants to know how much more he needs to walk before he can see his love again.

"If am to slow, it will maybe be to late to save him?"

Satoshi looks at tall tree.

"I can maybe climb this and look over the other trees, then I can see how much of the forest that's left."

He starts to climb up the tree. He isn't used to climb trees, so it takes time before he reaches the top.

"Finally!" He says when he is on the top of the tree.

He looks in the same direction as he is walking.

"It can not be more than one hour left if the forest. I CAN SOON SEE HIM AGAIN!!!"

Satoshi is really happy.

He climbs down fast again and starts to walk very fast so he can reach the end of the forest. And now he starts to miss Yuuki even more.

He walks fast for an hour, then he can see the exit.

He runs the last way. He runs out of the forest and jumps of happiness when he comes out.

"YES! I DID IT!!!"

He calms down and look at his surroundings.

The mountain where Yuuki is waiting for him is only one mile away.

"It starts to get dark, but I don't want to sleep..."

He thinks for a long while, sleep or keep on going for Yuuki. He can walk faster tomorrow if he gets some he is really exhausted..

He lay the backpack at the ground and lay down on it.

He is expecting the three others in five days. And then, Yuuki will be with them again...

To be continued...

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