Meet Henerys gang

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<this chapter is going to be very Brutal and triggering. It consists of: bulling, rape,suicidal thoughts, and cutting. IF YOU CANT HANDLE THESE THING PLEASE WAIT UNTIL THE NEXT CHAPTER. Thank you>

*Hanna's pov*

(/it's just one cut\ The voice would say.
/it's just two cuts\ The voice would say.
Then it went from two to three. Three to four. Four to five. Until I can't even feel the pain. The voice would yell at me to continue even though I could hardly move.)

I wake up for the fifth time this night and all I could do is cry myself to sleep. All I can ask myself why did I ever deserve the pain I have?

<time skip by everybody's life>

I finally wake up again but this time to the sound of my alarm. I hit the top of the alarm probably almost breaking it.

I crawl outta bed going over to the shower and get in. After the quick shower I go into my room over to my black and white dresser.

I pick out a nice pair of black legging and a green v-neck top. I blow dry my hair quickly and put in a black headband.

I put soft eyeshadow on with black mascara. Then I grab my black backpack and walk out the door to grab my bike.

*Bills pov*

I got up this mornin from the sounds of my alarm clock. With the picture I drew of Hanna right beside me. "Oh god I-I need to get ready", I say to myself quietly.

In quick response to myself I throw the covers of me and go to my closet. I grab a pair of tan shorts and a striped t-shirt. I comb my hair down and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth.

After all of my other necessities I go outside and grab my bike. As I go to see if Hanna was ready for school she was already walking out her door. "H-hey bill", she says in a much sadder tone from when I met her the day before.

I say A quick hi back and she goes to go grab her bike. As she isn't looking I take a look at her outfit. She's wearing black legging and a green shirt with a black headband holding back her hair. She honestly looks beautiful to me.

I wish I could just hold her and brush my finger through her blond hair. "Ummm B-bill are we going I don't know where the school is". She says in a little bit more exited but still sad sounding tone. "Oh yeah umm just follow me." I say as I hop on my bike.

<a long bike ride later>

*still Bills pov*

We arrive to the School and I park my bike on the bike rack. I see Hanna right next to me do the same thing. I walk over to the boys with Hanna not trailing to far behind. As I walk closer to the guys I hear Richie say " The new girl is weird isn't she".

Soon I hear Eddie say, "She isn't weird...just unique". "Hey guy, she's right here", Stan says quickly. They all look at me and her standing there. " I thought you guys were gonna be nice not total dick heads." She says without stuttering but a crack in her voice.

She soon runs off into the school. " You assholes, you d-d-d-don't know how hard her life i-is and you go s-s-s-saying she's weird". I say a little fed up with them already. They all try to explain but I am already walking into the school to find where Hanna is.

*Hannas pov*

I run into the school entrance not knowing where I'm going. As I walk threw the school I bump into somebody. "O-oh my gosh I'm so s-sorry" I stutter out quickly. "Watch it bitch before" the kid quickly before continuing to speak

. "Wait your the new kid right" He says in almost a creepy tone. "Y-y-yeah, Why?" I say yet again quickly. " oh I'm gonna have some fun with you" he says deviously. "What do you mean?" I try to say as he grabs me and takes me into the guys bathroom

. "Anybody in here get the fuck out" he yells. "What are you gonna do to m-me".i say quietly. "Shut it girl before I slap you" he snaps at me.

*Bills pov*

I slowly followed Hanna until I say her bump into Henry bowers. I didn't step in at that moment knowing don't i did I'd probably get slapped.

As I wait a little longer I see him grab her and take her to the men's restroom. I run back outside and go get the guys knowing I can't go in there by myself.

Once I gather up my group we have Stan go tell the office. The rest of us prepare to see not so decent things. I tell the guys to follow and we enter the bathroom which is surprisingly not locked.

Once I walk into the room I saw ungodly things. Things I wish I could unsee. Hanna was laying on the floor with a red handprint on her face and Henry taking off her black leggings.

Once her leggings were off all I could see were the red scars from where I'm assuming she cut herself. "B-bill" I hear her strained voice from crying. "HENRY FUCKING BOWERS LET GO OF HER" I yell out loud with anger. "Why b-b-bill does she mean something to you", he says with actual venom in his voice.

Luckily the principal runs into the office before anymore could happen. "Boys thanks for telling me about this, but please leave me and the other suspects" the principle says. "O-okay thank you" I say.

*Hannas pov*

"Your Hanna Rogers correct?" I'm assuming who's the principle said. "Uh ye-yes" I say my voice very strained from crying. "Okay I will call your mother and we can file a report" he said professionally. "N-no I d-don't need a report I'm fine" I say confidently. "Are you sure miss?" He says worried. "Yes I'm s-sure", I say while slipping on my leggings and putting back on my shirt. "Ok then, now you mister bowers you have detention for the next week" I hear the principal say faintly as I leave.

As soon as I walk out I see bill there waiting patiently. "A-are you okay H-Hanna" he says calmly. "I'm okay, but who was that gu-guy who tried to do th-that stuff to me". I say quietly. "Oh him that's Hen-Henry bowers.... I was going to warn you about him" he says kinda ashamed. "No no it-it's fine" I say back nicely.

<time skip till after school>

*Richies pov*

Oh my god I messed up I called her weird and she almost got raped. What were those marks on her legs? I have all these questions.

I need to apologize I know it. I walk up to Hanna who surprisingly has a smile on her face. "Hey I'm sorry I called you weird it's all my fault that happened" I say sadly. " it's fine" she says confidently.

<Hey so was that to strong of topics? Please tell me and what you want in the next chapter>

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