The quarry

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*Hanna's pov*

I grab my bike and ride to the quarry trying to remember the directions to the area. 'Why Hanna why did you agree to this?' I know bill knows my secret, but I'm afraid what everybody else will think.

As I arrive at the quarry all the boys are at the edge of the giant jump. As I look closer into the scene all the boys are in their tightie Whities.

"Hey" I mumble out quietly. All five of the boys turn around quickly. "Hey hot-stuff" Richie says making me quietly giggle.

"Hiya R-R-Richie", I say back. "Alrighty guys enough with the chit chat lets get in the water" Richie immediately says after.

I look to bill for help and he walks over to me."You have to tell them Han", he says Into my ear. I quickly shake my head no. "There going to fucking judge and I don't take judgement well", I reply back.

Bill ignores my call and calls the boys over. "Guys H-h-Hanna has something to say, but she's afraid y-you-you'll judge her." Bill again says my words.

I quickly try to walk away as bill grabs my waist pulling me to the front of him. " Hanna tell them for me" bill says in an almost pleading tone as I notice he's trying his hardest not to stutter . 'They deserve to know' " I-I can't", I say about to cry.

I get out of bill's grasp and pull myself up. I walk into the woods with anger. I hear tons of chatter and questions from the boys.

As ones pipes my interest. "What the hell is wrong with her bill" I hear Stan yell. "I-I-I can't tell you"bill replys.

I strip off my shirt and rip it up as I do the same to my jeans. I look at all the scars on my legs and yell. I cry...I scream....I yell. I sit on the old dead leaves in my bra and underwear.

I hear rustling to the side of me. Then I hear the chatter of the boys and it all stops.

I hear all the boys gasp after what felt like forever silence. "GO A-AHEAD MAKE FUN OF ME" I yell out at them all. "I-I'm crazy that's it I'm crazy", I mumble out.

"Hanna", I hear Richie say. Although it's rare to hear him say my full name. "What?", I say as more tears fall out of my eyes. "Why?",he says back. As I choose not to answer back.

I feel all their eyes on my legs. I feel the judging the hating.

"I-I'm a disgusting pig", i sob. They all get out of their gaze and run up to me except for bill. They hug me and hold it there.

Bills gaze is still sitting there on my legs. I push off the guys and stand up trying
To find my ripped clothing.
Bill stops me and sits me back down. All the guys get up and stand in front of me.

I sit there completely venerable as bill walks up to me. He runs his hands over my cut up legs. You need to stop this he mumbles to me. And I don't even know how to reply.

"I-I don't.... I know", I say as I fall on my back with my makeup smeared, teared, face. My world was destroyed and crumbled. Even if they didn't know why I did what I did. They still new I did it.

My one secret of many was out. I saw the disappointment of the three young teens. I just laid there letting the hatred I had for myself set in.

" Enough of this sappy stuff lets go swimming", Richie says to break the horrible silence. " Sorry, R-R-Richie but imma go home", I reply putting back on my ripped up clothing.

"We can't let you be in this lonely condition", Eddie says out. " I s-said I'm fine", I reply sourly walking over to where my bike lied on the floor.

" P-Please just let m-me go home and be... ALONE", I snarled. "How about No Hanna", Stan says. For the time I did know him he never talked directly at me and for sure never called me by my full name.

" I-I fuck this is why I don't tell anybody", I explain sourly. "Maybe that's why y-y-you never got he-help", bill exclaims. " Okay H-how about th-this I go home and you a-act like you never knew me", I reply back with literal venom in my voice.

I hope on my bike and ride my way home without getting their answers.

*bills pov*

" Bill how long did you know this about her", I hear Stan ask from around me. But every time I go to speak; my life is taken back to the moment when I thought Hanna lived a perfect life. I didn't see her always rotting life form.

I was lucky to get her to tell me at all. " Bill... earth to bill", I shake my head as I see Richie standing in front of me repeating the phrase.

" We h-have to watch out for Han", I call out with my cracked voice. " Wait do we even know why she fucking does this shit", Richie yells out.

"First stop yelling....", Stan starts out. "Second we need to get her to tell us about her past",he pauses again. "Third one of you gotta search her room for any type of evidence of her past", he finishes the explanation.

"Oooo, I can search her room", Richie exclaims wiggling his eyebrows. "Well we defiantly know it's not you", Stan says pointing his finger at Richie.

Everything drops to quiet as Stan thinks deeply. " I know who'll search her room", he smiles wide as he talks. "You bill", he says clapping his hands.

This is gonna be scary!!!

So I know it's been years since I posted a real chapter I just had writers block and I have a whole other story I'm trying to write. And if you have any thoughts on what bill will find in Hanna's room leave some comments. And also have a wonderful day or night or afternoon idgf....😁


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