I have to search her room?

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*Bills pov*
"Why m-me?" I throw my hands in the air. "Because you were the first to know", Stan says sternly. I notice Richie and Eddie quietly having a conversation in the corner. "Maybe one of out parents can talk to her mom" Eddie suggests out of the blue

. "N-no I p-p-promised her I wouldn't tell her m-m-mom", I say quickly. "Then you have to search her room for something",Stan says. "I wonder what your gonna find"? Richie says quietly.

"Fine I'm j-just gonna go, I'm over the q-q-quarry" I say grabbing my bike and heading home.

*Hannas pov*
I arrived home and saw my mother was gone. I sighed softly and walked into the house.

I lock my door behind me and slowly walk to my room. As I walked closer to my room I started to feel dizzy. Then I see a bright red balloon come my way. "Hiya Hanna~" I here a voice around me. That that Voice I've heard it before. It's the voice that's always in the back of my head... but it's so much louder now.

I try to walk away from the creepy balloon following me. As I go to my room I open the door then lock it quickly. I look at myself in the mirror and see my tattered clothes. Then I hear a slight tap at my window making me jump. Then another tap; I quickly scan my room then walk over to the window.

I look outside and see that Eddie and Richie are outside. I slide the window open and see them about to throw another pebble. "I thought I said to l-leave me a-alone", I lean outside the window.

Eddie speaks up first, "Hanna please just come out with us". "We're going to watch a movie and we think it'll take your mind off of things", Richie interrupts. "F-fine I'll be right down", I close the window.

I change my ripped close and other essentials. I don't bother to put anything in the hamper and leave my room as is. I quickly fix my makeup and walk out.

I lock my front door and grab my infamous bike. "Lead th-the way", I say annoyed but with a smile.  They jump on their bikes and we were off , but only if I new their plan.

*Bills pov*
"I still d-don't understand w-w-why I have to search her ra-room", I complained to Stan who was beside me. "I already told you why", he sighed. "Fine but how are we s-supposed to get in; she l-locked the h-house", I continue the conversation

. "Oh that's where I come in..." he stopped talking and walked up to the house. I finally realized that The three fading figures riding their bikes had disappeared.

I walk up to Stan and see that he actually got the door open. I decide not to ask and walked inside to see there was still boxes piled up.

Stan stays by the door like we planned and I go up the stairs to her room. I walk into the door and the first thing I saw was her undergarments around.

My cheeks grow a soft pink and heat radiate off of them. I take my gaze off of the clothing and look at the basic room.

I look at her simple mirror laying on her closet and see pictures of her with someone else. It was her but with longer hair and another person by her with almost pitch black colored hair.

The only thing that was weird was that the face was crossed out with red marker. I shake my head and start torward her closet. I open it to see her shirts from darkest to lightest.

I look up and see a shelf with a big box on it. The box seemed to have black hearts that seemed to also be scratched out with red marker.

I grab the box and head to her mess of a bed. I sit down and open the medium sized box. I open it to see anxiety pills,blades, and tons of pictures with her and that girl with black hair. "HAVE YOU FOUND ANYTHING?" Stan yells from downstairs.

I jump and drop everything out of the box. "Sh-shit",I mumble seeing more things fall out. "Uh-um yeah I did" I slightly call out. I see a bright pink sweater that was ripped up come out from the bottom of the box.

I pick the item up and see what looks like tear stains on it. I turn it around and then see a bright red substance. I see letters flow out of the box also covered in tear stains and the red substance.

I look at her small silver click on her desk drawer and see it's almost been to hours. She's gonna be here soon. I think to myself; I quickly pack the box up and take it with me downstairs. "Hold this", I say to Stan and run back upstairs so it looks the same as she left it.

I run back downstairs and hear Richie laughing in the background. Me and Stan hop outta the house with the box of course. We go back to our original hiding area.

As I settle down I see Hanna go inside her house ;after she dropped her bike to the floor. I sigh and see Richie ride circles around Eddie heading towards our area.

Richie stoped annoying Eddie for once and got of his bike. "So what'd ya find?",Richie asked excited. I just lift up the box full of her bad memories as a response.

Well I hope ya liked it~ Your author

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