Not the plan

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Emma was sitting at granny's getting her usual grilled cheese with onion rings and a hot cocoa with cinnamon to drink. It was a normal day in Emma's life, she had work to keep her busy for most of the day and she had her family to call and check on her when she hasn't messaged any of them to annoy them throughout the day. 

"Hello Miss Swan," Regina said sitting next to the blonde who looked incredibly happy as she walked into the diner. 

Oh- and Emma also had her, Regina Mills, the former Evil Queen, her parents former enemy/whole towns enemy. She was secretly dating her for the past couple months and honestly, it's the best thing that has ever happened to her. Emma turns to look at Regina and of course, ends up looking her up and down, it's a surprise no one knows they are together. "Hi, madame mayor." She sucks her lips into her mouth because honestly, it was weird to call her that when she has been calling her 'Gina' all weekend. See her and Regina had somehow convinced Emma's parents, Henry and the rest of the town that they needed to make a trip to new york to help them solve the towns biggest problem right now. Only thing is they didn't go to New York, they went to a cabin in the woods where they could be together without having to hide anything. Yeah they could just tell everyone but both Emma and Regina are scared of how people will react, so begins the story of roleplaying. 

"What has such a big smile on your face, dear?" She raises an eyebrow and tries to look disinterested but Emma can read her like a 1st-grade book.

"Just thinking of how wonderful my life is right now," Emma smiles and wishes that she could reach out and just hold the brunette's hand. 

Regina looks over at Emma and there is a hint of want in her eyes as well, a small smile slides into place where an indifferent one was there a moment ago. "Why exactly is your life so wonderful it makes you smile like an idiot in the middle of Granny's?"

Emma chuckles and rolls her eyes, "I met someone. They are amazing, I actually spent the weekend with them and I have to say it was one of my favorite weekends of my life." 

Regina's eyes softened and she swallowed hard, she didn't realize how difficult knowing how it would feel to be out with Emma would be when they got back to civilization. She wants to reach out and just hold the blonde's hand or push the hair out of the woman's face as she did this weekend. She wants to lean over and kiss her softly, just because she was allowed to now that they are dating. "I have some... paperwork that I'd like you to go over if you will please come to my office after you finish lunch." 

"Oh, yeah okay." She smiles and watches as Regina stands up and heads out of the diner to go back to her office. Emma took a few bites of her grilled cheese and realized it wasn't tasting very good when she was too focused on wanting to leave. She throws some money on the table before leaving the diner and going to the mayor's office. "Hey," she smiles and peaks her head through the door.

The brunette smiles and nods for her to come in and close the door, as soon as she does it feels like they can both breath again. "Hi," Regina replies and walks up to Emma putting her hands on the lapels of the blonde's red leather jacket she has grown to love more and more. "Sorry, darling. I didn't mean to sound so rude at the diner when I told you to come here." 

Emma chuckles and puts her hands on Regina's hips before leaning in and kissing the brunette softly. "Don't apologize, I know it was about the cover. I'm sorry I'm not so good at pretending as you, I practically stripped you with my eyes when you sat down with me."

"I did notice that but I didn't mind a bit," she chuckles and messes with a few strands of hair, moving them out of her face. "I don't know if doing last weekend was the best idea, now that I know what it's like to be open with you and I don't want to go back to office make-outs and late night sleepovers where we have to sneak into each other's homes."

"That last part is easier now that you taught me to poof," she smirks happily. 

"Very true but not the point." She chuckles and moves to go over to the couch dragging the blonde with her, who wasn't struggling one bit. 

"What are you saying?" She raises an eyebrow at the woman who was now sitting right next to her on the couch, "Can I just say I love that you have a couch in here."

Regina rolls her eyes and bites her lip, "Yes it has come quite in handy recently hasn't it." She shakes her head at how fast she has changed the direction of this conversation so being sexual again, "Emma stop distracting me."

Emma chuckles and leans in kissing the brunette's cheek, "I'm sorry please continue."

"I am saying that I want to come out." 

The blonde's eyes widen slightly and then her mouth slams shut, "Like come out as a lesbian or come out as the savior's lesbian?"

Regina chuckles and slaps her shoulder, "You better not ever call me that to anyone, but the second one."

Emma pretends not to know what the second one is, "oh I'm sorry which is the second one. Can you tell me exactly what the second one is?" She smirks a little bit.

"Emma seriously," She sighs and rolls her eyes. 

She nods with a chuckle, "dead serious."

"I want to come out as the savior's lesbian," she deadpans in a monotone voice and then gets attacked by the blonde woman in question. She was now laying down on the couch with the blonde over her, she was kissing her neck and Regina couldn't even keep the straight face anymore. 

"I would be more than happy if we came out as lesbians to each other." She chuckles at the weird way she said it.

"Emma we are just lesbians, we find women attractive even before I met you." she moves her head up so that the blonde would continue kissing her neck but the blonde wasn't on her neck anymore. 

Emma gasps, "Regina Mills do you think someone else is hot in Storybrooke?" She sits up completely with a serious face, "I will kick their ass!"

"No that's not what I meant Emma," She laughs and pulls the blonde back over her. "I only think you're attractive here and I only want you."

Emma was still pouting but Regina fixes that by kissing up to the blonde's ear, "It's Granny isn't it."

Regina bites Emma's neck, "EMMA SWAN seriously?"

"Ow," she laughs and puts her hand where Regina bit her. "It was totally worth your reaction. what you don't find granny irresistible? You don't want her to make you some tacos?" There was another slap from Regina who was now standing up and moving away from the couch, Emma, on the other hand, was cracking up laughing on the couch. "I'm sure she'd wash all your dishes!"

"Emma!" Regina zaps her slightly with magic which felt more like a tickle. 

Emma squeals and stands up still laughing before walking up behind the brunette, "I'm just teasing Regina, you know I love you." Regina freezes and turns in Emma's arms and then Emma seems to realize what she just said. "Well, that wasn't how I planned that," she chuckles feeling a little saddened that she didn't get to do it how she planned. 

Regina smiles at the blonde, "You were planning that?" Emma nods and makes a slightly grumpy face causing Regina to laugh, "but instead you accidentally said it after you tell me gross sex puns about me and granny?"

Emma's lip juts out and she had the full-on puppy face on, "Ginaaaaa."

Regina kisses her cheek and chuckles, "Emma its okay. you want to know why?" When the blonde nods Regina answers, "because I love you too."

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