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Hiii!! I'm Jesse Green.

I'm 17. I live in London with my mom and my older brother, Jared. He's in uni right now so I don't get to see him very often and I miss him so much. My dad left us when me and my brother were little. I don't even remember his face but I really don't care because he left us, he probably doesn't care about us so why bother.. Now let me tell you a bit about myself.

I was born in America but we moved to London. I have long brown wavy hair and blue eyes. I'm about 5'6 or 7. I could be pretty mean sometimes. I have a best friend named Ally. I'm very shy at first but once you get to know me you'll think I'm a cray cray.

I love One Direction. They're just so amazing... I wish I could meet them in person but we all know that won't happen so it's really sad. But if I see them, I wouldn't approach them or take a picture with them or something because I don't have the nerve to do it. But my best friend, Ally, is like the opposite of me when it comes to things like this. She's very outgoing, friendly, and really funny. She's like a sister to me, I love her so much.

Now enough about us and let's get on how we got none other than One Direction.

Hi my name's Allyson Callon.

But you have to call me Ally. If you call me Allyson I will hunt you down and murder you. So about me! I'm 17 (turning 18 in December). I have an older brother, Nickolas. He's in his last year of High School.

I was born in London and have lived here my entire life. I met my best friend, Jesse, when she moved here.

I have long blonde hair and really blue eyes. Me and Jesse are like sisters!! It's amazing. My dad treats her like she's his daughter since she doesn't have a father :(.

I like to think myself as funny, and I'm SUPER outgoing. I L.O.V.E One Direction!!! Especially Harry ;).

My bestie Jesse is just as obsessed with 1D as me. She seems really shy, but once you get to know her, she's absolutely insane.

Well that's my life, but I left out the part where One Direction kidnapped us!!!!!!!! Yeah it was cool. I didn't fangirl once (I was being sarcastic there)..


A/N: hey guys!! this is our first story. me (Mafia_Patricia) and Hug_Me_Nialler are gonna start writing this. so this is like a collaboration loll. but we really hope you guys read this and we hope u like it. :))

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