Chapter 5

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*Ally's P.O.V.*

I heard Jesse tell me she was leaving. I just nodded and kept on watching Peter Pan. Don't make fun of me, I love my Disney movies. I want to go to Disney World too. I smiled as Peter took Wendy out the window. I've always wanted to find someone THAT perfect for me. I mean, I may have already, but I don't even know if Harry feels the same way. I felt someone sit next to me. I looked over at the person and saw a grinning Harry. "Whatcha watchin'?" He asked. "Peter Pan." I said in a 'duh' tone. He shook his head and chuckled. "Harry?" I asked. "Yeah babe?" He replied, looking away from the TV and at me. "What would you say to me getting a tattoo?" I asked. He smiled and asked. "When do you want to get it?" "" I responded. He nodded, and got up from the couch. He held his hand out for me to take. I grabbed it and was pulled up. "Lets go." Harry said cheerily. I walked out the door, and plopped myself in the passengers side of his Range Rover.

"Alright, you're done." The tattoo artist exclaimed, as I admired my tattoo. It read 'Just Believe' on my ankle. "Anything else?" She asked nicely. "Uh, yeah. I want a lip piercing on my bottom lip on the left side." I replied. Harry looked at me with shock. I smirked at him. He shook his head while laughing.

The piercing hurt really bad. "I think you broke my hand." Harry teased as we walked back to his car. It hurt really badly, so I squeezed Harry's hand the entire time. "Oh shut up." I said playfully. He rolled his eyes and started driving. When we reached the house, I had forgotten that I didn't tell Jesse or the other boys when I was going. So when I walked through the door, "ALLY!! WHERE- WHY- WHEN DID YOU GET A LIP PIERCING!?" Jesse screamed. I laughed. "Just now, Harry took me." I responded. She nodded and saw my ankle. "You be cray, girl? You're growing up! You got your first tattoo, and a lip piercing!!" She squealed. I laughed and held her in a tight embrace. The other boys were just looking at me in shock, so I stuck my tongue out at them.

I was playing with my lip ring, while watching Peter Pan again. I felt Harry sit down next to me again. "You look so cute when you do that." He whispered in my ear. I started blushing like mad. I beamed at him and saw him leaning forward, looking at my lips. I started leaning in too, and then... "ALLY COME HERE PLEASE!" Jesse screamed at me. I sighed and walked into the kitchen. "What?!" I spat. "Oh I just wanted to ruin your snog session with Harry." She giggled evilly. I rolled my eyes and walked back into the living room.


I heard Ally mumble some colorful words. I just chuckled.

I went to Louis' room to discuss the prank we're going to do tonight. "Hey Lou." I greeted him. "Oh, hey Jesse. What's up?" Lou asked. "Nothin' much. But I'm bored!" I whined, probably sounding like a kid. "Aww! My poor Jesse. Come here." Louis cooed. He called me his. Arrhh!! I'm f-u-reaking out! He pats the spot next to him indicating me to sit next to me so I did. "So what do you want to do?" he asked. "I don't know, what should we do to kill some time before our prank?" I asked. "How you maybe wanna walk to the park?" he shyly asked. He's so cute! "Sure! That sounds lovely."

We started walking in silence for a few minutes until Louis decided to break the silence, "So.. I don't really know what we could talk about.." he stated awkwardly. Its funny to watch Louis being all shy and awkward and well, its also cute. "How about we get to know each other, you know not as the Louis Tomlinson from One Direction but the real you. Yeah?" I suggested. "Yeah. I'd like that. Do you wanna play 22 questions?" he asked. "Isn't it 21 questions?" I asked back, scrunching my nose. "Yeah, I know. But we're badasses." he smirked. I laughed, "Okay, you go first."

"Um.. what's your favorite color?" he asks

"I'm just gonna answer your question then you answer it too because I'm not gonna keep going 'what about you?' every single time. Blue. What's your ideal girl?"

"Red and someone that is confident, good sense of humour and full of banter. Worst habit?"

"My ideal guy would have to be gentleman, loyal, thoughtful, sweet and maybe even romantic. My worst habit is I can be childish sometimes and immature. Personality or looks?" I smiled sheepishly about my worst habits.

"Worst habit is.. I don't know I guess I don't have one. And personality." he smirked.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever." I said sassily.

"Woah there. No need to get all sassy."

We walked and talked about everything and its nice to hangout with Louis, we hadn't even realized the time. We got home at 6 just in time for supper. Wonder what's for supper..

After supper, we watched 'Toy Story' that Liam picked and after that everyone went to bed. Louis and I decided we would do the prank at 1.


A/N: we're really sorry that we haven't updated for so long and I was busy doing..stuff. Anyway hope u liked this chapter! -Patricia ●ω●

We're really sorry! Next chapter should be up today though! You know, if that helps anything! Please keep reading! ~Sierra :)




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