Killed or Captured

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Today I was with a squad overlooking the delivery to be made in our facility and we were actually an hour early so while i was sitting on a crate a soldier went up to me.

Soldier: uh hey mr. deadshot may I ask you something?

Y/N: no need to be formal I am only strict with either my enemies or just people who are really stupid so call me Y/N.

Soldier: oh ok then call me Chris.

Y/N: ok Chris what do you want to know?

Chris: well I wanted to know why you joined the militia I mean I'm not complaining or anything but I heard Jason abandoned the whole militia thing when he joined beacon so why instantly join us?

Y/N: well Chris that will be a pretty long story so sit on a crate and listen.

He nodded and sat on a crate and I told him what happened in beacon about how Jason was pretty much of douche when I first met him but he also showed a side that was caring and all that shit. I also told him about how my team and I was in a relationship with another team and how they... cheated on us. After the story he instantly went from curious to sympathetic.

Chris: oh man didn't know that happened I'm sorry.

Y/N: no need to be sorry besides it wasn't your fault it was those dick kissers that did it.

After the conversation we heard a delivery truck stop and the squad turned to it and we saw two atlas soldiers exit the truck.

Atlas guard 1: hey what are you doing here.

Atlas guard 2: yeah this is a restricted facility.

I point my wrist guns at them and fired and then the squad took the truck back to base while me and Chris hid the body.

Ozpin POV

Ironwood: this is a disaster ozpin, there is now this new terrorist organization here and they seem to be working with the white fang and from what I can see their tech is highly more advanced than ours and with that kind of tech in terrorist hands we won't last an attack if they want to.

Ozpin: do you have an idea of who these people are?

Ironwood showed me a video from his scroll seeing four people in a bullhead and then jumping on what seemed to be a broken paladin and then... BEAT team RWBY but what surprised me the most was the four people who looked familiar I continued watching until the end and when glynda entered the room she froze to see the identities of the four hostiles.

Glynda: are they who I think they are?

Ozpin: yes it is team DARC.

Ironwood: who is this team DARC?

Glynda: well they are only the best team in beacon possibly remnant.

Ironwood: well i am sorry but I have to put them down permanently.

Ozpin: NO!!! I will not let you kill my students.

Ironwood: they are not your students anymore.

Ozpin: I believe there is still good in them so we need to try.

Ironwood: fine but if you fail they will go to hell.

Glynda: if you do send them to hell James i will make sure you join them.

Ironwood: glynda where is this all coming from?

Glynda: I will make sure you don't kill my nephew and his friends, I mean come on James, Grant and his team are still kids and if you knew what they went through you would understand why they do this and please don't kill Grant he is the only family I have left.

Ironwood: fine they won't be executed but they will be locked up.

Glynda: I suppose that will be a valid punishment.

Ironwood nodded and left while I was shocked about this new info I received.

Ozpin: Grant is your nephew?

Glynda: yes ozpin and i am quite surprised you haven't figured this out since you can see me and Grant being close together.

I only nodded and sipped my coffee and the waved her to leave, she complied and I just sat there thinking.

End of chapter

A/N: hey guys this is the new chapter and yes grant is glynda's nephew and the voting on the previous chapter will end at oct 7, 2017 5:00 A.M Philippines time and also if you wonder why I put the conversation with you and Chris was there well it's because Chris will play a big part in this story.

Has llegado al final de las partes publicadas.

⏰ Última actualización: Oct 06, 2017 ⏰

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