Rose (KaitlynxMC) [Requested]

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requested by @kingofmykaylor

Hello! It's been a while since I've written here. I know I have been super inactive and I have gotten a lot of requests (which I'm going to try my best to get to very very soon!) I'm going to do my requests in the order that I received them in.

So as for this story, it is a KaitlynxMc one. I came up with the idea while listening to the song Roses by Shawn Mendes (hence the title)

This takes place back in The Freshman book 1 (man that feels like forever ago) before Kaitlyn ever confessed her feelings to Gina (mc in this case). Gina and Chris have been hanging out lately but Kaitlyn likes Gina so she get's her a rose.

I hope you guys enjoy!

If you have a request, please comment or message me on the request form and fill it out. It makes it easier to find requests. Thanks!


Kaitlyn couldn't help the pit in her stomach that was forming and just getting bigger by the second. She stood in the bathroom helping Gina get ready for hanging out with Chris. It wasn't a date, right? That's what she kept telling herself anyways.

Kaitlyn had only herself to blame if Gina and Chris started dating. She had been trying to set them up in the first place. She was happy for her friend..yeah she was. Chris was a great catch and he seemed really into her. Why was her stomach hurting more and more as she thought about it?

She was going to throw up.

"So what are you and Chris doing?" Kaitlyn asks as she finishes up Gina's eye shadow.

"He's taking me a to a movie," Gina says giddily.

Kaitlyn's heart sank as she thought of the two of them sitting in a dark theater and their hands meeting in the popcorn bowl. She wished it was her taking Gina to the movies, not Chris. But what could she do about it now?

"What movie?"

Gina shrugs. "Not sure yet. We're going to decide when we get there."

Kaitlyn nods slowly. "When are you guys heading out?"

"He's going to pick me up after football practice."

Kaitlyn looks at the ground for a moment sadly.

"Something wrong?" Gina asks suddenly, concerned for her friend.

"Huh?" Kaitlyn looks up, gazing into Gina's eyes. "Oh uh, nothing is wrong. I'm great!" She says faking a smile.

"Okay. If you say so.."

Kaitlyn continued working on her makeup until it was perfect. Gina checked her phone. "Chris should be here soon." she says as her faces lights up.

"Oh okay," Kaitlyn says. She didn't want to be here when Chris picked her up. She didn't want to see the way she looked at him, in a way she would never look at her. "Um, I think I'm going to head out. Zack and I were going to study at the coffee shop. But uh have fun with Chris..." she lies walking out of the dorm quickly.

She walks through the quad as quickly as she could, worried about running into Chris or worse, Chris and Gina together.

When she walks into the coffee shop, she saw Zack already sitting at a table in the corner.

She walks over, with her books in hand and sits down. "Hey Zack, should we study?" Kaitlyn asks quickly.

"Uh yeah um.." he looks up and sees the sadness on her face. "Hey, you okay?"

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