Under the Mistletoe (MaxwellxMC)

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Hey guys! Another Maxwell fanfic! I've been really wanting PB to make a Christmas TRR book (which they didn't) so I decided to write this little thing of Maxwell and the MC spending Christmas together! I hope you like it!  I might make a sequel that has to do with new years.

Paring: MaxwellxMC (Emily)

Words: 1449

Description: The gang spends Christmas together and Maxwell and Emily end up under the mistletoe.

Rating: T Just fluffy kissing


(Emily's POV)

It was Christmas day. Emily and Liam were cuddled up on the couch while Emily would rather be cuddled up with someone else. Maxwell Beaumont. Ever since she had met Maxwell, she originally saw him as a friend but as they got to know each other more, she fell for him. Hard. It was a big problem since they could never be together since now she is engaged to King Liam.

Ever since they had figured out the king set Emily up and found Tariq, she had been engaged to Liam. She didn't want to be though. How did she get involved in this crazy mess anyways? She originally came here for the Prince. That was always the plan. The Prince. But things changed. She fell in love with her sponsor, her best friend, Maxwell. It was impossible for them to be together though.

She was engaged now and as much as she hated to admit it, they could never be together. Not like he wanted to be though.

Meet Lord Friendzone- I mean Maxwell Beaumont.

He hadn't really showed many signs that he was into her. He friendzoned her all the time so she had gotten the hint.

It was clear that the feelings she had for him wouldn't be reciprocated. It was sad but it was true.

But then there were nights and moments when she thought that maybe he did feel the same for her like the night they cuddled with him shirtless in a tent. (THAT'S NOT PLATONIC)

So she stuck with Liam. Liam was so kind but she wasn't in love with him. She didn't feel for him as she did for Maxwell. She knew she never would.

"Emily," Maxwell says with a big smile on his face.

She glanced in his direction when she hears her name. She sees Maxwell holding a wrapped gift.  Had Maxwell gotten her a gift? That was so sweet of him. She hadn't expected to get any gift from Maxwell.

He hands it to her.

"You didn't have to get me anything Maxwell. You bringing me to Cordonia was already enough. I know you're tight on money."

"That's okay," he said. "I wanted to get you something."

She started to smile when she opens the gift and sees a scrapbook. She had remembered Maxwell talking about a scrapbook on the engagement tour.  On the top it said "Maxwell & Emily."

She looked up at Maxwell. "This is amazing. Thank you!"

He smiled at her. "You really like it?" He asked beaming at her.

"I do!"

"Thanks. I've been making it since you first arrived here. It has all of our memories of us together."

She opened the book and starts looking through it at all the pictures. She saw a picture of  Maxwell when he first tried cronuts, some random selfies the two of them took and some other stuff as well.

She loved looking through all these memories. It was the sweetest gift. She reaches out and gives him a big hug. He smiled a bit as they hugged for a couple seconds. "Thanks, I love it," she said.

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