Sorry Doesn't Count

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Well I'll like to make a shout out to Clover213, The Marano Sisters, and Forever Jenny♥  they are the reasons why I am still updating. Thank you guys and Stay ROSSOME!! ▼ω▼



Riker's POV

I couldn't take it my little friend kept comming out waiting to enter Laura..

Laura's POV

As I started swimming, I felt someone grab my waist and squeeze my I turned around, I saw...........Riker!!!


Ross- what happened

Laura- (starts shaking) R-Riker T-Touched M-m-me i-

Riker- (interupts Laura) I was playing with her hair......Right Laur?

Laura- n-no!!! you touched my waist and then you squeezed my butt hard ( starts crying)

Laura's POV

I can see Ross walk up to Riker and punch him but I couldn't see anything because My tears were blurring my eyesight.. Riker is such pedophile!! I hate him!! I hate everything!! and the way Riker acts....its like he's my dad because it seems like Riker is the kind of guy that will rape you and laugh at your pain......that's what my dad does. Why does my life stink??!? God!! what have I done to deserve this???  First my mum died, then my dad sexually and physically abuses me and now My Bestfreinds Brothers are making my life more miserable can things get any worse?

Ross's POV

I can't believe Riker will do that!! of course I still love laura but I don't know if she stills feel the same way.... its heart breaking. I don't care if it will take her days and weeks to realize her love for me.....I just want to make that beautiful smile to appear but if she is gonna smile it has to be because of me not no other guys. Right now she needs a shoulder to cry on. Now I have a chance! (>_<)

Ross- (swims over to Laura) Laur don't cry its okay

Laura- NO ITS NOT!!! I ALREADY HAVE A DEAD MUM, AN ABUSING DAD, AND NOW I HAVE TO DEAL WITH THIS!!!???! (Turned to Rydel's) I don't think I can stay here.....I'm sorry (gets out of the pool and runs upstairs)

Rydel- (turns Riker) you see what you did!?! why would you do that you fucking pedophile!?!


Rydel- shut up Ryland

Ross- (sighs) I'll go talk to her

Ross's POV

As I walk into the house I here sobs coming from upstairs, so I run upstairs and walk to Laura's Room

Ross- Laura please come out

Laura- what the fuck do you want!

Ross-please just open the door

Laura-. . .   .

Ross picked the lock with a hair pin and stepped inside


Ross- because it hurts to see someone you love to be crying....escspically when they are crying because of their crappy brother

Laura- Ross don't even think about lying again....because love is a strong word.... don't say it if you don't mean it

Damn!! Laura can be a poet

Ross- Laur yo-

Laura- (interrupts Ross) go back to Chelsea  no piece of shit like me should be loved.....

Ross- (grabbed Laura's wrist) Laura Marie Marano!! YOU ARE NOT A PIECE IF SHIT, ABD NEWS FLASH!! I BROKE UP WITH THAT SLUT!!

Laura's POV

Did Ross just say he broke up with Chelsea!?! *does happy dance in mind* okay laura.. . keep it cool....calm down......phew!!

Laura- Ross.....  what and why did you come here?

Ross- To say sorry

Laura- Ross, sorry doesn't count

Ross- I also wanted us to talk about us

Laura- what do you mean by us!

Ross- Do you want there yo be an us?!?


Stay Rossome!!!


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