I Dont Talk To Strangers

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Wazup People!?!? I'm running out of ideas and I just wanna thank all my readers for everything......Like... the outcome of the last chapter was awesome!! :3

Rydel- (looks at Laura) How did you guys.....you know....??

Ross- what can I say!! Dating Laura means you have to communicate without talking (smiles and shrugs)

Rydel- what!?

Ross- Never mind (looks at Laura) You should put in some clothes your provoking me

Laura- I JUST LOST MY FAMILY AND THATS ALL YOU CAN SAY!?! YOU HAVE NO HEART! FUCK YOU!!! (picks up her clothes and runs out the door)

Rydel- why do you always have to do that!?!?!?

Ross- (scratches neck) do what?


Ross- well I'm sorry....she's to sensitive....and i-

Rydel- Just shut the fuck up Ross you always have to ruin something... (storms out)


Laura's POV

Cold.Thats what I'm feeling right now....I'm Walking in a path of an empty dump...I can't believe what's happening... my Whole life is ruined..don't believe me? let's list it!

One, My mother is cold blooded dead

Two, I lost my virginity to my Dad

And Three, I won't be able to grow up and have children...be a mother...or be a normal Teenager....my Whole life is difficult... Love is Difficult..

who knew that just by being Friends with Rydel can bring me this far? Meeting Ross was Destiny but it looks like I can never have anything Good in my life....Why God?Why?

?????- Hey you!

Laura- (turns around) What?!! WHOS THERE!!

?????- Don't worry I won't hurt you...whats your Name?

Laura- I'm not dumb and I don't Talk to strangers!

??????- (wiggles eyebrows) not even Hot ones?

Laura- Pfft if you were I would

?????- (runs up to Laura) okay but seriously what are you doing here? All alone?

Laura- First can you tell me who you are?

?????- sure... um..Im Justin..Justin Hayes and I'm 18 years... (scratches neck) you?

Laura- I'm Laura....Im 17 and I'm living hell

Justin- (chuckles) well you wanna tell me all about your living hell experience?

Laura- (smiles) sure but we'll take turns

Justin- okay!! Follow me! (leads Laura to the back way of the dump where he lives)

Laura- This is where you live?

Justin- (face falls) yeah...

Laura- better then mines

Justin- oh okay...interesting fact....


Laura's POV

who would've Thought that this handsome boy lost his family and is homeless? I mean look at him!! He has hazel hair, the most hypnotizing blue eyes, full lips and he has the bad boy look!! eeeek!!!

Justin- why are you squealing?

Ooh!! that Sexy Voice!!

Laura- (blushes) I was? oh...I'm sorry...I was just....thinking of...um....gogurt?

Justin- oh really?? or were you thinking about how you want me to tickle you to death!? (wiggles eyebrows)

Laura- (eyes widen) noooo!!!!

And that's when those large hands started tickling me until I had tears in my eyes

Justin- (accidently trips and falls on top of Laura )

Laura- (stares into Justin's eyes)

Justin- (whispers) your so Beautiful..

Laura- And your so hot..(whispers unto his lips)

Justin- I just wanna kiss those soft lips of yours

Laura- Then do it

Justin- (presses his lips on Laura)

Laura's POV

His lips are so soft....we kiss and move in perfect sync...it feels so right!....but again.....it doesn't! my feelings for this boy I- he licks my lips... asking for entrance and I quickly accept. Out tongue dance together as he slides his hands down to my chest... I pull away...My body was craving for his touch bit we both knew we have to stop and so we did...

Justin+Laura- (breathing heavily)

Laura- That was...

Justin- amazing (kisses Laura's Forehead) Goodnight sweet Laura

Laura- Goodnight hot Justin

And with that They Drift into sleep....but will everything stay peaceful and happy? Find out....in the next Chapter of➡Raura:Difficult Love❤❤❤

Raura: Difficult LoveWhere stories live. Discover now